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May 06, 2011

Why books must be closed

I have spent the past few months of 2011 closing 'books'. What I realise is, 'books', my polite term for either girlfriends/guyfriends, must be 'closed' lest we find ourselves knocked simply because the wind blew.
I have never been great with closures - i tend to want to make light of things so that there is less animosity and perhaps, less unpleasantness. Unfortunately, doing what i did, just postponed the inevitable.

Relationships, Friendships are bonds I felt, that was a necessary evil. Although i enjoy the company of friends, I find most engagements, tiring and not always bubbling with sincerity. People are generally either the tit for tat types, or the selfish go-getters; Everyone wants something from Someone. Otherwise, there is no value or purpose in wanting to maintain that Relationship/Friendship.

Perhaps, 2011, will be THE YEAR, I will close all the books i have deliberately left open and finally will be able to move on. I like to think that I can move one step forward without the two steps behind, springing me a surprise.

It's almost mid-year, I must say, 2011 has been going by like a tornado. I feel that I am being propelled in the forward direction, yet, unless all the books are closed, it will not be closed and it will slow my move.

I have learnt to manage these surprises a little less hurriedly, thinking more about how to counter-respond without extending the books.

This is why, we need closure in any area; not a learning curve, but just to always be neat and tidy so that the book can be archived or sold to a bookstore.

I do feel bad, that some friendships/relationships are just not worth a second look; just like books, we read the prologue, review and decide if it's one we would like to discover. If it's not a narrative of interest, it's not and we could give ourselves twice the length of time, to read, but it will not happen. And if it does, we may not even appreciate the effort of the author.

So, if a friendship is too lop-sided, close it or file it under another label, say, hi bye friend.
If a relationship is too noncommittal, close it or file it under say, wrong place wrong time, wrong person.

We are all entitled to having friendships which are helping and relationships which strengthen us as a person. I feel that I should be more selective, not because of fussiness, but that we really don't have much time and I rather I spend that time with people who really matter.

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