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October 26, 2016



The US Presidential Elections have essentially divided the world further.

'The World' began fighting off Terrorists. But now, 'the world' splintered into ............

  • The group interested in actually getting rid of Terrorists.
  • The group fighting to keep themselves in the position of Power.
  • The group fighting all the odds to Clean up America.
I'm not sure which group has the easier task, but for sure, the wishes for WORLD PEACE suddenly do not seem to be a cliche anymore.

Broadly, the CAMP on the MONEY & POWER side, tend to have supporters who verbally attack non-supporters by name-calling.  They do not have an answer or excuse for Clinton being morally, ethically, criminally wrong and thus unfit to stand for Election - as such, they jump in loudly and are aggressive. 
Had they armed themselves with substantial evidence to support their choice, there would be no need to fire away at others with childish, immature statements.

A friend told me OBAMACARE is great.  He's not American by the way, but he knows it's great. My American friends are struggling with this, and they have decent earning power - they told me OBAMACARE is unaffordable for most and that they themselves do not have healthcare.
Who knows better?  The layman American or minority Asian who has never lived or worked in America?
Obamacare premiums are spiking 25% next year. How bad is that?

I do feel terrible for my American-born friends.  They already don't have Health Insurance - and unless they get a Republican as President, they will continue to pray for Excellent Health since they cannot afford to fall ill.

It's strange how people generally are divided according to how their mind works.

If anyone has gone deep into discussions about the 2 candidates, one cannot help but notice that the Money & Power camp (Democrats) think that Money buys them everything, so they don't need to use their BRAINS to think about why their ideas don't work.
Money buys them Power - and that is what they are trying to prove with a Democratic win.

WHO WOULD THINK, that Poll Machines can be donated by a Major Funder of a Presidential Campaign?

Which Idiot cannot see how UNJUST, UNFAIR, and CHEAP it is, to blatantly CHEAT the voters?  I suppose the message is, MONEY CAN ALSO BUY CHEAT SHEETS.

If Americans vote for the Democrats after all this - then GOD SAVE AMERICA, because what's going to happen is, the TERRORISTS will never be defeated, because the LEFT HAND provides them sustenance, and the RIGHT HAND pretends to fight them.  The end result will be a world, plagued with confusion and mistrust.

People should use their GOD-given BRAIN to think through this carefully.
Leaked emails/correspondences - what these people did to cover up their wicked deeds with more wickedness - should not be taken lightly.

There is a reason, why and how, the entire world was given this SNEAK PEAK.

This is not about Russia trying to spy on the America - this is about America, having lost favour with the good karma, and now have to face the karma of EXPOSURE.

The camp of MONEY & POWER practices deception.
They have always done that and are still doing that, because it is all they know - Money helps them clean up their mess all other times before - which is why, they don't know how to fix this except by the process of unfair elimination.

VOTERS should start thinking deep and hard.
IF DEMOCRATS WIN - the message to the world is, MONEY & POWER wins over TRUTH.

None of my business, but even from way over here, the CAMPS are clear.  I support people who are always willing to discuss and fairly argue out an issue because I know that I'm among people who can THINK, DISCERN and still be impartial.

October 19, 2016

Expensive Brains

We are given a brain - one which we should use, since we are not animals who can only function instinctively.

Unfortunately, by the time a child reaches young adulthood, he already stops using it - just going over the type of trouble/crimes they get into, is a good indication.  This is not just about having a moral compass - it's about thinking over CHOICES to make.

I have lived a good part of my life already.  It will not matter to me, who becomes the next US President, because I'm not American (thankfully) and I'm not European (thankfully).

I have watched their election with great amusement - how people over there, buy into bullshit - it's like you can have all the evidence and they just fail to see it for what it is.

People like that, deserve to always live in fear of loosing their freedom, because they don't really know what that means.  To them, to have a complicated government system is freedom.

FREEDOM, to me, living in Asia is about - being able to feel safe, any time of the day - not having to worry that I will get mugged in an alley, because we don't have alleys for low-lifes to lurk about.  We actually have laws that are enforced - no amount of money can buy someone a seat to rule this country.  We run, fair and square - of course, the occasional tossing of tuna back and forth, is to be expected, but it's all just politics.  No trying to sway minority votes by appealing just to their inability to integrate.

It's no wonder, the Asian students do so well in these foreign Universities.  It's a shame that many more do not get the opportunity to study there - Asian Universities are just as good, but because we are generally younger, and Colonialism has been branded into our heads - we always think being us, means we have to kowtow to them.  B

In this world muddle, Asia is doing great.

So I guess, people over there, who are voting Democrats - probably have the most expensive brains.

Expensive because, they hardly use it.

October 18, 2016

Pot calling the kettle black

If us, lay people, are confused about what is going on in the US Presidential Election - this clip puts it accurately, in a nutshell.

Never mind, that Hilary Clinton is backed by George Soros - the man who is dead sure, his ill-gained money from the last financial crisis and more, can buy him a spot to be the US President's advisor.  The same, laughable DEMOCRATS, flew their Kerry to UK so UK can share the karmic hit back, when it happens.

People in the world need to read what George Orwell said.  People have rights to think freely, speak freely and stand corrected.  What we have seen, is the US DEMOCRATS, building one lie upon another - of course, UNTHINKING American Citizens are buying that lock, stock and barrel.

What the internet world is dubbing the UK to be, is accurate - UK left their FREEDOM OF SPEECH in the EU.  

TO thinking people of the world.
Kerry lands in London and a whole pile of COMMUNIST practices surfaces from London.

The US and Britain and everyone, should really stop calling N.Korea names, since they are far worse - WORSE because they are communist practising under the guise of Democracy.  At least N.Korea is not hiding what they practice.

From the Gulf War, we all could see, that there were NO WMDs.  The lie started there, and they kept it up.

Till today.


I do not support terrorist activities AND what Kerry and company are doing AMOUNTS UP to TERRORIST ACTIVITIES because they are enforcing their choice upon their people, their citizens.  They have taken away the rights of their citizens, by labelling people who chose TRUTH as DANGEROUS.

To all these humans who believe their MONEY bought them POWER, I tell you, you will meet your Maker in due time and then we'll see what your money really bought you.

October 16, 2016

Making babies, but not giving them a roof?

I was surprised, to have read that people don't need a huge space to make babies.

Surprised because it's not about the process of making one that bothers me, but the ability to nurture the child i.e. feed, educate, teach.

In Singapore, we need MONEY, a lot of it, just to survive.

Ok, so a couple makes a baby in the park, with no home - what happens to the child?

This is the present situation today - A LOT OF STUDENTS are on FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE.

I am all for helping those who have less, but there is this thing called the POVERTY CYCLE.  In Singapore, the poverty cycle may look different from another 3rd world country, but it's poverty all the same.

So assuming we go down this track, then we have our government, paying for the child's education in mainstream - what about additional classes? Tuition? Not every child will be able to cope in school, given their home environment isn't conducive to study i.e. they don't have one?  So some make it some don't.  Can I then conclude that we are going for 'survival of the fittest?'

I have been very disturbed that families have so many children, to take advantage of the government's child bonuses, yet go on financial assistance in school.  Where is the honesty?  These families have been making babies as suggested and dumped the care and education of their children to the government, through schools and the different Ministries.
Gone are the days, where mostly, children look at their struggling parents and say "I WILL STUDY HARD TO HELP THEM".  Has someone missed something in our society that changed?

Having a roof over your head, maintaining it, even in a struggle, gives the child a chance.  We have good public housing policies which can help the homeless and childless, start off by giving them a roof over their heads first.  That is also teaching them responsibility - if parents do not know responsibility, how are they to pass that on to the child?

I can just imagine, our school-going generation today, growing up and thinking, I can survive if I know how to bleed our government of money.

Is that going to take our society another 50 years?
Any idiot knows we are doomed if we keep this attitude.

So, it's not that people do not know the process of making a baby, it's the inability to maintain the new life well, decently well.

Space - children need their own space to create, to dream, to make something for themselves.  They need space to learn.
Families need space they can call theirs, so they work harder to make it a home.

October 13, 2016

The sorry state of GULLIBLE


I used to be able to just IGNORE people who believe what they read WHOLESALE - people who worship PROPAGANDA - people who function with so much of discrimination that they become obsessed about wanting to fit in with the popular voice.  These days, I can't because I am swamped with them.

I'm not one to 'join them'  because I do USE my thinking ability, BRAINS and my ability to discern.

THE US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION is a disgrace to democracy.

Just because the US subscribes to DEMOCRACY, it doesn't mean they abuse it.
The Democrats are right now being chaired by a money-driven old man who thinks he's GOD because money has come his way too many times at the expense of others...so he must be GOD right? The Democrats' candidate is not a woman, it is this dried up old man, who has bought journalists, tv stations and a whole lot of people so that he can rule a nation, from his living room and not the oval office - he will be the first to do that!  POWER CAN BE BOUGHT BECAUSE HE IS DOING IT!

Voters being unthinking and stupid, are going to make his dream come true.
I pray that the real GOD, will do something about it.

Me on the other hand, prefer the underdog.  A man who engages in men locker room talk like other normal men.....a man who used the law to salvage his business and that worked out well....a man who could not have succeeded had he not been unscrupulous when he had to be.  Is that wrong?

There is NO PERFECT PERSON walking this earth - but let's all start thinking deep.

How would anyone understand the man on the street if he isn't from the street?

It's none of my business, I have said it many times before.  In fact, this US PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION has told me one sure thing - THAT a lot of my casual friends, are really NOT THINKING PEOPLE and they are just too superficial that I really should drop them as casual friends.

How will I look at them now, knowing that they are actually quite gullible - just as well, I found out at the close of the year.

I guess when you never have been with money, you have no idea, how money really talks.
SO I can't expect them to know what I know.