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February 18, 2008

drawing the line

How do we effectively manage time so that scheduled tasks get done as planned?
It's tough when the hours in a day are fixed but the task list is never ending.
Management books will speak of planning and working efficiently, but it's easier said than done.
I believe for most, our 5-work days in the week is not the issue.
The problem begins over the weekend, when the homefront is supposedly the priority and work somehow encroaches upon that time.
Just recently, a colleague mentioned that he's 'unable' to work on sunday, because it's the Sabbath. On a bad day, I wonder if that's an excuse. On a good day, I would reserve my comment.
Even when we do not have to show up at any worksite, the cell never does stop ringing. When I was growing up and the phone rang, it was probably a friend or relative chatting someone in the family up - never work-related. These days, weekend calls would mean work, 80% of the time. I could be having my hands in a stew and having a conversation about work.
Where do we draw the line?
Perhaps, because my work is in the marketing and sales, it's a 24/7 job.
Perhaps if the work was centered around another profession it would be less engulfing.
I guess, in order to draw a line, we first must find a new whiteboard.
Otherwise, it's not possible to start fresh; a precedent has been unconsciously set.

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