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February 14, 2008


Which is worse? Having an unexecuted plan or none at all?
I have learnt about the importance of planning the hard way. Living life without goals or even an outline may work to a certain degree, but for real results, there must be some measure of planning involved. For the obstinate who believe that life is fated and that our lives are pre-destined, this advice is a joke. For me, who have lived the first 30 years of my life unplanned - it's time wasted.
When we aim to get into a university/college; it constitutes having a plan.
When we select a job opening to apply for in the papers, that's a plan too.
When we sit back, cry and wait for social services, that's planning as well - because we opted to sit and do nothing but hope to be bailed out.
So, having an unexecuted plan is far better than none at all.
When we don't plan or have no plan; we have to be people who love surprises, otherwise, life may just shock the living daylights out of us and before we can react, we find ourselves drawn into some whirlpool, just hoping to find some straw to hang on to.
It doesn't matter if plans need to be tweeked, shelved or re-drawn.
The little time we spend thinking about it, is sometimes enough to help us move in the correct direction. At least we did spare a tiny thought for it.
I'm sure even animals plan - because they would go find a den before winter, gather all the food up for storage or eat till they are almost bursting before the cold wind blows. That's not even them having to build a career - but just trying to survive.
Therefore, for people, who need to do more than just survive, having a plan is the bottom line.

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