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December 24, 2015

Too much time

The interesting thing about having time is - when there is time, there is lots of it; when there isn't time, there just isn't.

How do we constructively will time away?

For most, we try to catch up on sleep.  Irony is - no one can ever make up for loss sleep.  It just doesn't work like an equation.  We sleep more or take naps, yet it does take a while before we feel rested.  That still doesn't amount up to the sleep we have lost.

If anything, I spent 2 weeks catching up on sleep for the entire year.  But after that, I'm back to being awake for most hours of the day.  

I have been diligently re-organising my home which I also know is futile since I do constantly move stuff around every now and then.  Now, one week before the new year, I'm done with spring cleaning.  

Next week will be full of lunches, dinners and basically doing the last minute catch up before everyone returns to the work place.  Hopefully, I will be tired enough to sleep in.  I miss the mornings I could sleep in.  Now that I'm too rested, I wake up early, as early as the birds chirping outside.  

Perhaps its best, we wind down the year with people who mean something to us.  During the year, meet ups are always in a rush - at least for me it is.  My mind is seldom completely void of tasks yet to be completed.  

So the best way to spend time, we can afford to waste, is to stop and smell the roses.  Take stock of what we have, be grateful and thankful that we have time in excess and dream many dreams for the new year.

December 23, 2015

Christmas Always

For most, this is the 'best' time of the year.  Families travel for vacations and friends visit friends even if they are far away.  

For some others, this time of year is the direct opposite.  Christmas is commercialised - gone are the days where the spirit of giving meant something great.  Some families, do not have enough excess to celebrate a commercialised Christmas.

I have been through life's horrible mill, of RNG.  In gaming, we say that's Random Number Generator.  Every time we are subject to RNG, I never win the loot.  Like lucky draws and lottery, my number never gets called.  It's laughable that something as random as RNG avoids me.

BUT for those who struggle to make sense in an unbalanced world, I say - forget the RNG.  Make it work for you.  How? When everything revolves around money.  

Back in the day, when I celebrated Christmas in my own home, young and just 5 years into the workforce and a toddler in tow, I bought an artificial tree, decked it up with green and red bows - bows I made from rolls of ribbons (cheaper to buy a roll of ribbon than a ready made bow).  I bought the shortest string of twinkle lights and that made Christmas alive for my toddler.  We didn't have much, but we had each other and my toddler didn't know any better.

Today, when my toddler is a grown young man, Christmas is not celebrated but observed.  It's not about wrapping up something expensive but about spending time with people who matter to us.

This week, my friend, took time off from his work, to spend an afternoon with us, at our new home.   Next week, another friend will be lunching with me, something we do each year, this season.  No gifts, no fanfare, just being there for each other because we matter to each other.

I wish, every child will have the opportunity to feel that he can matter in this world, if he doesn't sell out to commerce.  A quiet Christmas, a quiet New Year - spent with those who mean something to us.  

Forget the loud bashes, where people get drunk.  That anyone can do.  What's so difficult in downing an entire bottle of alcohol and getting wasted right?  An idiot can do that.

What takes effort, is keeping those we care for, in our hearts and mind, without pretense, totally lucid.  That is Christmas.  
I have come a long way, a long long way from naked trees to none at all.  BUT I did not loose Christmas ; I keep that in my heart always.

December 22, 2015

Sometimes you don't have to search

In November this year, I remember telling my friends and colleagues that I wasn't going to renew my contract for another year.   I had valid reasons and since most were moving on anyway, I thought that it was a sign that I should do the same.  In 2 years, we moved from colleagues to friends and it was time to call it, when we were at a high.  Statistics were good, everything was going great.  We thought, let's move on to another pasture and leave another mark.  

We met up in November and December, celebrated festivities and I was the only one, who didn't quite decide on where I was moving on to.  Everyone found another place for next year.  

Today, while watching a re-run, I received an offer to do a year's contract at a new place.  I was surprised, because it's almost the new year and apparently, some places were still having vacancies.  They wanted to grab me before I changed my mind, so we did the financial paperwork over the phone and arranged to sign all other paperwork next week. 

The one thing I know about me is, GOD has always blessed me with work.  No matter which industry I was dabbling in, HE always sent the work to me.  Today is special because I didn't look for it.  In fact, the previous appointment which I held for 2 years, was also one I didn't search for.  

I didn't say, I will think about it, because if that's HIS plan for me for next year, then I welcome it.  I can only imagine what my other friends will say, that I'm crazy because they were just telling me that taking up another contract means, I will be bushed 10 weeks every quarter.  

BUT I don't question when I'm lucky.  I take it and am grateful.

Sometimes, the thing we need, is right in front of us.  We just need it pushed to where we can see it.

December 21, 2015

All set for the new year

The fair thing about life is, when one has done everything except put oneself first, the evil in others cannot win.

It's been a long time since my last update here - building a home takes time and when it's a home for keeps, it's best to shop in stages.  My home has always been one reeking cosy and comfortable - it still is.  Also, this is about the only time in the year we all plan for the year ahead, which means, looking back and laughing over how the wicked always looses.

People can wish ill upon you, or dabble in the unsavory yet if you've always got things done on your own, they will not matter.  I can only imagine how the ungrateful must be happy to think that he inflicted damage upon my friends and I.  What hit us was the realisation that a man, who has a good job, is not how we should ever measure a man.  We took it for granted that he was decent but lo and behold, he was wearing a cloak, which hid all his weaknesses and failures as a man.

A person hides behind his job because he has nothing else to offer.  Simple.   I look back and remember, how proud he was of his job that everything he spoke about revolved around that profession.  Yet, when it came to the crunch, he cowered like the garbage that he is.  Garbage is garbage, only the receptacle is different.

For those out there, who are facing friendship crisis - let me tell you one thing - people who don't feel right to you, aren't.  Don't try to make them fit because they can only do that temporarily.  Their true colours will emerge only too soon.

This season, I am able to wake up to admire the blooms I have, birds who visit them for nectar and butterflies just fluttering from plant to plant.  This is how I wake up in the mornings.  People are amazed, I get birds and butterflies visiting, even though I'm living in an apartment.  I'm surprised but pleasantly.  The months of tending to them, growing them from tiny stems or seeds, did bear fruit.

While the people who helped the ungrateful are doing just as well, I say it's because karma understood it best.

Wishing everyone, a wonderful christmas season and a bountiful new year - everyone, except those undeserving and they know who they are.

Am I wicked to wish ill upon them?  Actually no.  Good wishes are only for those who know how to spread the same all year round!