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January 11, 2006

Being maladaptive

There are some people who are forthcoming. Some others who prefer to be elusive and yet some others who lurk just waiting for an opportunity to twist situations to their advantage. I'm all for 'the fittest survives' theory, but, shouldn't there be a decent limit, in the name of conscience, for a fair game? Adults should behave like adults, and be clear and outright about their intentions. There isn't a dire need to lie about anything - why is having an inflated ego so important? What happened to downright honesty?
Perhaps for these people, it's adapting to the environment - the money chase - paper chase - or even the tail chase - but someone ought to tell them that their very behaviour is MALADAPTIVE - not adaptive. I wonder which part of school they missed. They go around maladapting to this environment which is loaded with wonderful people and spread their venom to the unsuspecting. I think it's like the bird flu virus - we know the strain but we really don't know where it's residing till it's in our system - which by then is almost too late to avoid.

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