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July 29, 2016

Hilary Clinton accuses Trump of BIGOTRY

I wonder if she knows what that word means.

BIGOTRY is who the prevailing terrorists are.
They, the terrorists, are intolerant, expecting everyone who holds differing beliefs to be either beheaded or extinguished from life.

I can only assume that she used this word because many have no clear idea of the word's definition.

I have many Muslim friends who are not bigots.  They too, hold the same dislike for terrorists.  It probably hurts them more than it does us, non-Muslims.

The people who know about living in harmony is this little nation I write from.  Even as these terrorists run rampant in the name of their supposed religious beliefs, I sit and eat with my Muslim friends at lunch.

This candidate is lost in her super delegates, financial backing that her desperation shows.  Instead of calling a pot a pot, she prefers to confuse everyone and make the election about something else.
Mind you, she compromised security, lied to cover her error and yet she thinks she's the better candidate.

Months ago, I thought, it would be great to have a Clinton again - perhaps it will make lives better in the US for my friends.  Lately, after all the cover-ups, I have changed my mind.

I take honesty over everything else.
If one cannot trust the leader of the government, who is left?

The Americans must and should vote sensibly - they have to stand up and say, MONEY CANNOT BUY US A GOVERNMENT.

My Muslim friends here, support Trump, because he says it, like it is.  

July 27, 2016

Unacceptable behaviour - 6 long years


Actually, it's no surprise to me that this low life behaviour of a neighbour has persisted for 6 years.

This is what RELIGION does for a lot of people, especially the Muslims - they practice patience....in their language, they will say, sabar.

My question is : What happened to our community?  Where are the other neighbours?
Did all of them turn a deaf ear/turn a blind eye, because this is not their business?  RACIAL HARMONY IS EVERYONE'S BUSINESS.

Throwing pork? Wow, where did this other person study? From what I know, our schools drive into children, the importance of RACIAL HARMONY constantly.  Did this person totally miss school here, to be this ignorant?
Did the rest of the neighbours also miss the finer teaching points about RESPECT?

People should and must mature, so that they can begin to understand that just because someone is Muslim, doesn't make them radical and extreme.  By the same token, Christians who are moderate, are different from the radical, extreme ones.

For 6 years, no one came to her assistance.  No one bothered to take this seriously.  This is how unrest begins.  That one bad apple.  Doesn't take much more than a worm really to destabilise our community.

Of course our uniformed personnel will not help, since no one got hurt yet.  That is the unspoken rule isn't it?  Painful to hear but we all know it's true.
So, for 6 years, the law sits and waits for the widow to get hurt before they can act - since without injury, there isn't a crime right?
Say the woman does get hurt and at 61 can never be the same again.  She could be so hurt she can no longer ambulate like before.  The law steps in, but this widow now has a less than 100% health, and probably will not even expect the society to render her assistance for what society indirectly caused her to suffer.

Society has to change.
The saying used to be, schools have to teach.
Well, we know the schools are doing that, but is everyone else on the same page?

I am ashamed that Mdm Marliah, almost from our pioneer generation, had to tolerate this abuse.  We need to do more.
There is no room for lip service here.

Stop pushing the buck.
Stand up for Singapore - and that means every Singaporean who worked just as hard as the next to get us all here.

Schizophrenic view on gaming ...

And while the rest of the world moves forward with Technology and E-games - some others prefer to stay back and watch the time pass by, contemplating.
It's a little like good ole' sports.

No one thought about a SPORTS SCHOOL, until we stopped winning medals at international meets.  No one gave a wink until we found ourselves OUT of the distribution pot of medals.

Even before all this dust can settle, along came GAMING - computer gaming.

Singapore HAD good gamers for the MOBA game LOL and FPS - CS as well.  BUT we can't even squeeze on that stage now....coz we didn't strike while the iron was hot.

We HAD good gamers who made it to international gaming standards, but they either could not get time out of their National Service or Work or whatever they have committed to which required permission.

The boat has sailed. Correction, several boats have sailed.

So while the Koreans are making a name for themselves behind the screens and the Chinese from Mainland China are the top game hackers who are known for their DDOS skills, we just have the best communication networks to boast, with nothing to show for it, except in the 'business world'?...oh wait, the world's business climate isn't all that rosy, hasn't been for years now...and with Brexit and the multiple threats of mindless terrorism....who knows right?  Huge companies are either closing, relocating or just going for broke.

I know of a boy, who is now a young adult - made it to the WOW world ranking board, below 50.  But he could never make it to the US to give his skill a shot in live streams.  We don't have gaming houses here...nor do gamers here get the opportunity to really build on their skill or showcase their skill, because of the absence of nation support.

Warfare in the very near tomorrows, will be similar to what the gamers currently see on their screen.
As it is, drones are being used in war zones.

I don't think the view is Schizophrenic actually - it's more when I need to shit then I'll look for a toilet.  By then, we would be at the starting point, very much alone, in a market, already saturated with gamers from 3rd world countries.  Sheeish.

This is more the unnatural fear of the unknown.
How does one cultivate creativity, when the opportunity is not given in full?  We tend to still do things in halves.  By the time this island realises that E-games is a game like all other activity, the group of people left who can game, would be the ones, who's been told, gaming is bad.
Good luck in reversing that mindset of 'gaming is bad'.

Is it so difficult to classify GAMING like golf? 
Is it because GAMING appeals generally to the 'younger' and not the Seniors (who are the policy makers)?  I guess, if you're in your 40s and have never played a PVP game, you wouldn't and couldn't like to be 'owned' by a teenage gamer - and that probably hurts your ego so bad, you wouldn't and couldn't support a change in legislation/stance/societal mores/laws to groom potential world-class GAMERS for the world stage.

In every arena, there are playing field rules.  Not all rules are looked upon as positive.
Likewise, the trolling in games, are not all positive.  For the ignorant, there is positive trolling.

So until we keep Schizophrenia in remission, we will always find ourselves having to work harder to get to the world stage, when we actually could have got there donkey years ago.

It's hard to let go.....as a parent to this 'secluded' society, it's hard.  BUT better do it now, when the parents have all that family support than later, when the dynamics, beyond our control, change.

July 25, 2016

What Money can buy -

I read with disgust, a report in our main paper, by the main paper's journalist, who's probably based in the US - about the present Democrat nominee.


From the leaked emails, any idiot can infer who is desperate enough to trade their souls, if I may use that phrase, to get voted in.

BUT just in case, people in that camp say it's a hoax - that other people 'made up' all those emails, I have an infallible theory.

To know what kind of a LEADER you are going to have, look at who's backing the candidate.

I will not vote for a candidate who is backed by a person/organisation, who has nothing but 'dirty money' written all over it.
It's not that the owner of this dirty money is doing this because he believes in that candidate - but more about how much the candidate is going to owe him in kind, later.

People who think they can cook anything with money, should not be considered as solid and trustworthy to think about the poor man on the street.

Why does Singapore, pride herself on our no nonsense no dirty money in politics rule?
Because politics is dirty enough, without having to worry about the size of the backers bank account.


Yet, the 'award winning' journalist/correspondent, managed to print his support for a candidate, who has used her position, her backers' financial strength, to escape prosecution, in our main paper.

Perhaps that is why I never buy local papers, unless I need to use them for my cat's litter box.

Money has now elevated itself to being able to also buy jail time, turn lies into truths, votes and common sense.

July 24, 2016

Lies upon Lies

In the current US Elections, many things have surfaced which are - lessons a lot of us have learnt, come across, fell victim to, in the course of our 'normal' lives.

LIES before the internet
As a teenager, I had the privilege to hear a compulsive liar give another youngster advice.  She said - to be a good liar, you must first remember which lie you told to whom.  Of course back in the day, we had no internet and everything was easier to keep under wraps.

LIES in the internet age
These days, lies have a 'use by' date.  The eventuality of it blowing up is far greater and faster.  Even an idiot knows that.

So officials, who know about security software, hacking and the like, and still think the internet is the best highway to communicate lies - I say, I wonder how they first got hired.

I'm a simple person - I live simply but comfortably, more so than a lot of people - I have a very high IQ, which I never bother to use to get me WOW jobs, since I always prefer to dive into unfamiliar industries and expand my knowledge - be like everyone else so that I am able to stay on my learning curve and maintain my interest in the world at large.

I have seen desperation and am aware of how dirty politics can be but I have never imagined that a democratic nation, the only true democracy in this world, concocted this deceitful cocktail.

Karma is a bitch.

As rich humans, they can buy people to spin lies because that's what currency is for.  They probably can even make a life disappear with all that money.

AND to fuel their conscience, they buy into a faith-less life where money is their true GOD.  For the current US election, do take a look at who's backing whom.   Behind one candidate is a backer with tons of money he made from other people's misery years and years ago.  Dirty money is what common people call that.

Just when they got everything in place - someone spills their jar of beans.

Then they come out and deny that those are beans.

Thing about liars are, they don't know when to stop because they have all the funding to keep it up.  Paid to lie.  Wow.  I never figured there was such an occupation.
Then how would I know right?
I don't worship currencies - I still believe that the truth WILL PREVAIL and if we run out of time and it doesn't, KARMA will deal her hand and finish the game.

It's okay to have taken my sweater and lie about it.
It's not okay to use people so you can benefit either by being able to keep your job, get a promotion, make more money because in that process, some family ends up hungry or some people end up taking their own life.
To the liar, the lies were worth it and is worth it, until they lay there waiting to meet our Maker who will just say, oops sorry, I lied about ending your suffering today, perhaps tomorrow.

July 15, 2016

A Bankrupt Life


Is this the culture here? Probably.
If that is the case, then, all that Productivity campaigning went to waste.

What is being Productive?
Answer: We do what we have to do, in the recommended length of time we have to finish it.
So, if Management gives some last minute work, it's Management which requires Productivity training, not the worker.

I have had my fair share of bosses who throw paperwork at 530pm with a next day 9am deadline.

To change this 'culture' it has to start from the TOP - if the TOP doesn't give credit to seat-warmers, who actually just work when supervised, the problem will go away.

Many are guilty of this when on the train/bus.  They do this and get so engrossed, they forget to move to the rear of the bus, or shuffle deeper into the cabin of the train for others to board.

I have watched commuters flip FB pages, clicking on links, as if it's critical for their well-being.  Perhaps, that's where Singaporeans shoved their nosey attitude i.e. kay-po.
Also, since when was letting the entire world know what one eats, or does daily, important?  Are people so bankrupt that they have to assert some kind of importance in their social circles?  Where are the days, where privacy is held dear?

For culture, we certainly picked wrong.

Teenagers, mostly, are unaware of world news - a lot are not even up to date on local news.
Imagine, this lot is our tomorrow - a group of ignorant individuals.

People say, the internet caused this.
I say, don't play the blame game.

I do not own an FB page, nor do I play candy crush or bejeweled or any game on my latest iphone.
I do not even listen to music.

Does that make me a person who is stuck in the stone age?
I am an MMORPG gamer.  I log into the game daily for at least 2 hours.
I read off my tablet, only when I am winding down to sleep.

I chose to use the internet as a positive tool.  When commuting, I look around as I journey to my destination.  In little Singapore, facade changes happen quickly.  I take pleasure in soaking in works in progress.

I'm not left behind just because I prefer to choose who knows about my latest life squeals.
The difference between me, a technology driven person, and the larger society as cited in the article is, I don't need validation on who I am from acquaintances or friends.  I need to know, for myself, that when I am done living my life, I am free to go because I have done whatever I set out to do, and that isn't getting to another level in candy crush or bejeweled, or updating my FB page as I draw my last breath.