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October 26, 2016



The US Presidential Elections have essentially divided the world further.

'The World' began fighting off Terrorists. But now, 'the world' splintered into ............

  • The group interested in actually getting rid of Terrorists.
  • The group fighting to keep themselves in the position of Power.
  • The group fighting all the odds to Clean up America.
I'm not sure which group has the easier task, but for sure, the wishes for WORLD PEACE suddenly do not seem to be a cliche anymore.

Broadly, the CAMP on the MONEY & POWER side, tend to have supporters who verbally attack non-supporters by name-calling.  They do not have an answer or excuse for Clinton being morally, ethically, criminally wrong and thus unfit to stand for Election - as such, they jump in loudly and are aggressive. 
Had they armed themselves with substantial evidence to support their choice, there would be no need to fire away at others with childish, immature statements.

A friend told me OBAMACARE is great.  He's not American by the way, but he knows it's great. My American friends are struggling with this, and they have decent earning power - they told me OBAMACARE is unaffordable for most and that they themselves do not have healthcare.
Who knows better?  The layman American or minority Asian who has never lived or worked in America?
Obamacare premiums are spiking 25% next year. How bad is that?

I do feel terrible for my American-born friends.  They already don't have Health Insurance - and unless they get a Republican as President, they will continue to pray for Excellent Health since they cannot afford to fall ill.

It's strange how people generally are divided according to how their mind works.

If anyone has gone deep into discussions about the 2 candidates, one cannot help but notice that the Money & Power camp (Democrats) think that Money buys them everything, so they don't need to use their BRAINS to think about why their ideas don't work.
Money buys them Power - and that is what they are trying to prove with a Democratic win.

WHO WOULD THINK, that Poll Machines can be donated by a Major Funder of a Presidential Campaign?

Which Idiot cannot see how UNJUST, UNFAIR, and CHEAP it is, to blatantly CHEAT the voters?  I suppose the message is, MONEY CAN ALSO BUY CHEAT SHEETS.

If Americans vote for the Democrats after all this - then GOD SAVE AMERICA, because what's going to happen is, the TERRORISTS will never be defeated, because the LEFT HAND provides them sustenance, and the RIGHT HAND pretends to fight them.  The end result will be a world, plagued with confusion and mistrust.

People should use their GOD-given BRAIN to think through this carefully.
Leaked emails/correspondences - what these people did to cover up their wicked deeds with more wickedness - should not be taken lightly.

There is a reason, why and how, the entire world was given this SNEAK PEAK.

This is not about Russia trying to spy on the America - this is about America, having lost favour with the good karma, and now have to face the karma of EXPOSURE.

The camp of MONEY & POWER practices deception.
They have always done that and are still doing that, because it is all they know - Money helps them clean up their mess all other times before - which is why, they don't know how to fix this except by the process of unfair elimination.

VOTERS should start thinking deep and hard.
IF DEMOCRATS WIN - the message to the world is, MONEY & POWER wins over TRUTH.

None of my business, but even from way over here, the CAMPS are clear.  I support people who are always willing to discuss and fairly argue out an issue because I know that I'm among people who can THINK, DISCERN and still be impartial.

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