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October 16, 2016

Making babies, but not giving them a roof?

I was surprised, to have read that people don't need a huge space to make babies.

Surprised because it's not about the process of making one that bothers me, but the ability to nurture the child i.e. feed, educate, teach.

In Singapore, we need MONEY, a lot of it, just to survive.

Ok, so a couple makes a baby in the park, with no home - what happens to the child?

This is the present situation today - A LOT OF STUDENTS are on FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE.

I am all for helping those who have less, but there is this thing called the POVERTY CYCLE.  In Singapore, the poverty cycle may look different from another 3rd world country, but it's poverty all the same.

So assuming we go down this track, then we have our government, paying for the child's education in mainstream - what about additional classes? Tuition? Not every child will be able to cope in school, given their home environment isn't conducive to study i.e. they don't have one?  So some make it some don't.  Can I then conclude that we are going for 'survival of the fittest?'

I have been very disturbed that families have so many children, to take advantage of the government's child bonuses, yet go on financial assistance in school.  Where is the honesty?  These families have been making babies as suggested and dumped the care and education of their children to the government, through schools and the different Ministries.
Gone are the days, where mostly, children look at their struggling parents and say "I WILL STUDY HARD TO HELP THEM".  Has someone missed something in our society that changed?

Having a roof over your head, maintaining it, even in a struggle, gives the child a chance.  We have good public housing policies which can help the homeless and childless, start off by giving them a roof over their heads first.  That is also teaching them responsibility - if parents do not know responsibility, how are they to pass that on to the child?

I can just imagine, our school-going generation today, growing up and thinking, I can survive if I know how to bleed our government of money.

Is that going to take our society another 50 years?
Any idiot knows we are doomed if we keep this attitude.

So, it's not that people do not know the process of making a baby, it's the inability to maintain the new life well, decently well.

Space - children need their own space to create, to dream, to make something for themselves.  They need space to learn.
Families need space they can call theirs, so they work harder to make it a home.

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