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February 10, 2006

A Lifestyle

My work took me on a site visit to what I would call, a lifestyle. I was envious of the lush green landscape, fresh air, and acres of sprawling land. I wouldn't classify myself as a 'country' person, I'm more a city-freak, but then, having been a rat in a race with no finish line, perhaps I'm ready to say, I'm not opposed to an alternative lifestyle.
I have tried taking short breaks every two months, yet the breaks seem to be loosing their magic in giving me a fresh boost for the next lap. Yet lately, before the next break, my batteries go bleep bleep bleep - reminding me that a recharge is due. And so I take stock of circumstances that may be causing me this supersonic depletion. The range is limitless - work, work and work - what a joke - after all that deep thinking, soul searching sessions with myself, I realise that until I sort out my work, I will always be running to the 'shop' for a battery change! I need a less expensive solution, and there is none in view. Until then, I shall just keep searching for the battery that will self-charge, so that I never need to look at the alternative lifestyle and want that more than I can realistically have. Perhaps now, more than ever, I will finally give myself a dose of psychotherapy.

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