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July 03, 2007

Easing up

Before coming to a decision to end a relationship, most would weigh the pros and cons. That is provided of course, that there is no third party adding pressure to the decision making process. The pros and cons of a relationship is very different from that in a debatable statement. It has to do with how the family nuclei will react and adapt to the new status quo.
Most times, people think, if the children are young, they will adapt better. Actually that is not quite true. Life experiences take us a long way, and it sticks to the sub-conscious, cropping up unknowingly. Even when children are older, it's not always easy for them to accept a change in this proportion.
I came from a broken family and that has taught me only one thing - that if it doesn't fit, try another pair. And if that still doesn't fit, then just walk barefoot.
I never had a lesson or the opportunity to complete the video of what true love really is - and I have been led to believe that it's just fiction. There is no such thing as true love for another person, because mostly, we love ourselves most; children aside.
So when all else fails and we get taken through this rough patch over and over again - the inevitable happens - the story becomes too much of a repetition - and we get tired of it all.
The only other problem is, how do we throw a stone into this sea without causing ripples? It's tough.
The solution would be to make changes subtly. Like when a relationship begins, two people grow onto each other, so we will just have to grow ourselves apart. That way, the dividing crack will not be a gaping hole in seconds - giving those around, time to adjust.
An idea, I hope would work, because I'm not one for subtleness - I'd rather just take a parang and chop it off.

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