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January 04, 2008

Freeing closet space

There will be moments in our life which causes us much to regret about - yet with that regret doesn't come a 'want' to un-do something - but more 'coming to terms with the past'.
If I could sum up the year 2007, it would be one year of meeting up with the skeletons in my closet on an unexpected basis. Although we are on the 2008 calendar in societal terms, the new year never really begins until AFTER Lunar New Year (for me). So, for the next 4 weeks, I'm on the look out for more skeletal surprises.
I'm generally good about picking on bones. My rule of thumb has always been 'social' and 'civil'. That way, no negative or ill-feeling would overwhelm me. It's pointless to bump into an EX and have him ruffle you up the wrong way because those were probably part of the reason he got dumped by you in the first place. Just before New Years' I had the luck of an arse - my EX came to sit at the next table at the coffee shop.
I was with colleagues, he was with his friends.
All I could think of was, why the hell did I choose to meet my colleagues at that place.
I don't have problems bumping into him, I just don't appreciate having to make polite conversations with people I've written off! So I didn't. I just nodded and smiled and continued with my group.
Perhaps I should have been better advised, when I was younger - be more attentive to reasons. I thought life was a huge closet for me - and left tiny bones all over the place, hoping I would never stumble upon them since the closet was huge. Better still, I thought once I shut the closet door, all this rubbish would stay out-of-sight. I thought I had an expandable closet.
Sooner or later, we will have to address all these issues - because that is what life is about - the closet is a fixed size and the space shrinks as we dump things into them;
I left all my relationships without talk/discussions/explanations.
With each new year that goes by lately, little past-packages have been appearing - perhaps, there will be a time, SOON, when the last past-package arrives - and I will have more free space in the closet.

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