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January 23, 2008

The Rush

Rush rush rush.......
We never seem to have enough time for everything that we wish to fill the day with. Work aside, most do not have time to relax, like a soak in the tub.
I'm sure this is normal for almost every household - we meet all targets, deliver results AT WORK. Our personal life takes a back seat most times. There is no time for leisure - even shower times are rushed.

I wonder if it would 'hurt' us in anyway, if we decided to put our leisure activities on a schedule. For example, have our organiser read "8PM-9PM BATH" and not leave it open ended - like decide to take a shower only when we think the phone isn't going to ring.

Having started this year catching an influenza bug & gastrointestinal pains; made me think about how a good friend told me that I was burning the candle at both ends. I was and I still do. My leisure time in a nutshell is sleeping at 10pm.

Of course it's more painful to fix a problem - preventive is always better.

So, burning the candle at both ends is not a bad thing, if we could do it totally; that is, make sure our relaxation time is included too.


UptownGal said...

hey, this is completely not related to ur post but i saw in the papers that NUS is now offering a Masters in Psych? means pple can do that course in SG and practise?

KATRINE said...

That's what i read too. I haven't gone to look at the modules. I think if the programme is accredited by APA or parallel org, then it's ok. BUT i'm sure it's costly too.