We have heard that many many times.
Actually, a lot.
Whats in a nickname?
That is a really loaded question and possibly a lot more 'telling' than a name, since most times, our parents came up with our names.
Drawing a parallel with nicknames and the recent person me and my friends 'bailed' out, here is what I have found.
His email nick is XXXXXjock.
Let us focus on JOCK.
According to Wiki, it is a classical stereotype of a male athlete. It includes negative characteristics like snobbish, self-centered, rude, arrogant, unintelligent, abusing alcohol, earlier and more casual sex and more popular characteristics like handsome, muscular and athletic; popular with girls.
I do like the description by the Urban Dictionary though - the link is here:
He obviously has now proven this little 'theory' of mine.
When he needed help, he was always available to meet up with the rest of the group, just in case someone has a fresh idea or a new lead which might help him in the case the police was investigating against him. After everything blew over, he forgot who they were and celebrated his victory with his own group of friends, months on.
The few months he was grounded because of this incident, he was drunk 23 hours a day. It was so bad, he was almost crawling. He goes to a nearby beach resort where the conversion rate is great, stays there for a drunken week and then flies back.
When I first met him, he was insecure and I remember him telling me "You think I'm stupid". Funny thing was, I never quite bothered because I was not in a lecture or among my peers discussing interesting research topics, so it never crossed my mind to check his IQ score.
I always suspected him of doing this on the side - which is fine, since he is not someone I'm latched on to. BUT its more the quality of females he HAS casual sex with. Its never someone his equal but someone who is from a third world country or who is holding a work permit pass here. That is degrading for the girls and its his ARROGANCE that allows him to do this without thinking that every girl has a sister, mother, aunt; in short a family, who cares for her and wants her to keep well. His modus operandi is disgusting and degrading to women.
Is this guy HANDSOME?
He is your average Joe.
Is this guy Muscular?
Well, he is rather scrawny, except for his biceps, thanks to the gym.
Is this guy athletic?
He plays tennis now and then, but I don't think that qualifies as being athletic - when its just a social game and not even a match per se. Also, he never was part of any school tennis team.
Is this guy popular with girls?
Only because of the size of his pay-check. Most professional women have dumped him from what I have gathered from his past.
Nicks, short for nicknames does reflect what we would like to convey over the www.
Gamers would choose nicks like Death or Slayer for example - just so people have this idea that they are great at killing people in game.
So XXXXXXJOCK = someone who is not just anal retentive but someone who is so insecure that he needs to hype up who he is to the rest of the world.
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