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January 25, 2014

Time Flies - Dawn of a New Day

2 years have passed since my last post.  Life has kept me busy - and as usual, it was because of someone elses' 'troubles', not mine.
I need to log the events, briefly, just so it becomes a lesson in point.

Dawn of a New Day for me

When I posted my last entry, I was 1/3rd along, in assisting a friend solve his flat problems, promotion troubles and an alleged molest charge.  Then, I wondered, how GODs hand worked in unfair swings; since He obviously swung in this persons direction threefold. BUT my faith never wavered - I offered prayers for God's Mercy on this chap, connected with my social circle of friends, who hooked this friend up with a criminal lawyer, while I supported this person, determined to help him get back on his feet, psychologically and emotionally.

After the dust settled, this person, chose to celebrate all the case closures with his circle of friends, not the ones who provided him the support and assistance.  Never mind that, when I asked him, not because my circle of friends needed him to buy them a round of drinks (he told them he would buy them a round of drinks after all is over), his response was rather like a 'brush-off'.  He retorted that 'oh its because I did ask and you said you didn't want to meet so and so'.

Well, I didn't on that particular day and time (it was last minute) and I would like to think that if over 3 years, we leaned on another group at least once/twice a month, that we would remember to do the same, once we are out of the woodwork.  To add insult to injury, he told me he never asked for my help or that of my friends.  I also told him that not asking but taking the help/assistance anyway makes no difference to how a reasonable, thoughtful person would react, after the fact.  He ended this argument with "TAKE THE BLINKERS OFF ALREADY".

I never walk around in blinkers nor use it for sleep.  If he wasn't in dire need of legal assistance (top end criminal lawyer, with whom he consulted because of my contacts, for free), why would I search my black book, ask for help, on his behalf.  There was no way I could drag him to meet with the lawyer IF he didn't need one or IF he didn't want to go or didn't need the help.

I have decided to then walk away - it is NOT a friendship that is worth keeping.  In fact, looking back, I understand why GOD was so unforgiving when GOD decided to dish out trials for him. GOD probably wanted him to learn humility and guess what? He failed terribly.

In case people think this is about your average Joe, NO.  This is a person who flies a plane for a living.  AND he wonders why he was never given a promotion at work after more than 10 years - I spat out, that such behavior is NOT management material.  He is self-centered and self-absorbed.

We wonder why Singaporeans try not to help - this is why.  People don't know how to say THANKS or be grateful for those who don't judge you when in a bad situation.

I get it now GOD.  I get it.
I apologise for meddling and providing him assistance when YOU knew the best way to teach him a life lesson.

Its now the Dawn of a New Day for me - no more mercy.

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