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April 10, 2006


Is there any reason why a person stays stubborn against his better judgement? To answer the question point-blank - I would say "ego and stupidity". How far would a person go to prove that a hopeless situation, created out of stubbornness, is right? To answer the question point-blank - I would say "ego and stupidity". I am not a believer of change, because to ensure change, one needs more than a drop of an idea. People don't change, remember? We are one huge template - where everything operates from. Unlike the templates we choose for our blogs here, the personality template is quite resistant to change - Our template makes us who we are. We may, most times, hide the template and organise some mural all over as disguise - so that others would think there is a difference, a change. It's usually temporary - because, too many years have gone into building up this template, and we would need nothing less than a miracle to effect a major change in the blink of an eye.
For that logical reason alone, I have always maintained that people don't change, we simply find coping mechanisms to disguise the reality of it all - a comfort blanket, whatever.
My point for today is : Never try to be the expert, without first understanding personal limitations - If we make a mistake, admit it, put it on a page, include it as a page in our book of life experiences, so that in time to come, we would have a guide to better our delivery. That still doesn't mean we have changed - it simply means that we have learnt.

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