Rush rush rush.......
We never seem to have enough time for everything that we wish to fill the day with. Work aside, most do not have time to relax, like a soak in the tub.
I'm sure this is normal for almost every household - we meet all targets, deliver results AT WORK. Our personal life takes a back seat most times. There is no time for leisure - even shower times are rushed.
I wonder if it would 'hurt' us in anyway, if we decided to put our leisure activities on a schedule. For example, have our organiser read "8PM-9PM BATH" and not leave it open ended - like decide to take a shower only when we think the phone isn't going to ring.
Having started this year catching an influenza bug & gastrointestinal pains; made me think about how a good friend told me that I was burning the candle at both ends. I was and I still do. My leisure time in a nutshell is sleeping at 10pm.
Of course it's more painful to fix a problem - preventive is always better.
So, burning the candle at both ends is not a bad thing, if we could do it totally; that is, make sure our relaxation time is included too.
hey, this is completely not related to ur post but i saw in the papers that NUS is now offering a Masters in Psych? means pple can do that course in SG and practise?
That's what i read too. I haven't gone to look at the modules. I think if the programme is accredited by APA or parallel org, then it's ok. BUT i'm sure it's costly too.
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