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May 23, 2009

Bottom means up is next

As the world economic situation slides, each nation's governing body props it up, with injection of funds and bail-outs. When that is not enough, good news will be circulated in the hope that some people will bite and keep whatever's left going, going.

I wonder what happened to the, if we are already at the bottom, the only way to go is up, idea?

But instead of being pessimistic, because that would be a hopelessness and helplessness illness, there seem to be no other choice, but to sell, the good news. I'm all for being upbeat, but I think there is a line to be drawn between being upbeat and not really wanting to focus on the issues at hand.

The current property market here is slow. Because of some silver lining in this local horizon, investors and home buyers have come out from under their respective rocks and started shopping for good buys. Meanwhile, the sellers, who got wind of it, started to get greedy again, changing their asking price the minute they sniff a buyer with a cheque book.
For this reason, the last property slide made it seem like such people are deserving of the roller-coaster ride.

In all businesses, sincerity is key. If you wish to liquidate, then do so, after you have worked out your sums and settled on a number.
Sellers who only 'look for the toilet when they need to shit' deserve to shit in their pants. I'm not saying that because a Seller did this to me, but because one seller did that to his agent who had spent a year marketing a unit for him. A year means, at least an advertisement a week which the agent would have paid for, only to have the seller up his asking price, when a buyer is in sight.

I have no sympathy for such owners.
And if they think, all this print news will get them back on the up-cycle, I believe they are in for a surprise. As with all cycles, we are still hovering at the base - I do not see us coming out of this in a real way. We do have the word "HYPE" in the dictionary for a reason.
Everyone wants to tell everyone else that they made a good investment - that's common sense, but when it comes at the expense of Greed, then sooner or later, they will be sucked back into the school of reality.

Investments are just investments - you do not win all the time. The larger the risk, the greater the fall, and the greater the leap. Proportionate relationship.


UptownGal said...

hello.. haven't visited your blog in a while. just read this post (a lot more to catch up on!) and i hope you're doing better than when we last spoke. how's school and all the assignments?

anyway, speaking of property mkt, i just bought my HDB on Sun. wah lau.. Simei prices damn stiff. paid 429k (5k above val) for a 5I unit. good thing is tt my bf n i really like the ID (which is rare). hope the owners are decent ones and everything goes thru smoothly!!

KATRINE said...

That's a lot - but then, HDB's pricing has always been consistent. Glad both of you will have your own space - it's important...!