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May 06, 2009

zombie mode

I have been hibernating for the longest time - it's almost like a preference. Perhaps work is finally getting to me and my mind needs a break, but since that is impossible, it compensates by just being a cold engine.

I have been busy, but not working from site - the internet is a wonderful revolution, I am able to work from home and yet do my readings - the only problem is my phone, which rings in bursts of urgency. I have been nesting at home for more than 48 hours and frankly, i'm not in dire need of getting some sun, but unfortunately, work beckons and I will have to run out for appointments today.

Paperwork is piling and i'm so reluctant to get into them as my assignment deadline is cropping up again. It's impossible to finish an assignment without further readings - i'm in a deadlock.

I do not know of anyone else who functions like me - my brain cells are always overworked and i tire myself out by painting and doing redecorating. I know I need a break, but my work schedules too tight for that. I don't know what's the next best thing, except that I need more than coffee to get me interested again.

It's different from being in the 'throw in the towel' syndrome - it's more like, is it morning already? Thats because I don't sleep well at night and my mind is too busy flipping pages of my text book and the outstanding work that needs tending to on site.

days like these, i wish i could drive.
that may solve the problem - take a long drive alone.

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