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April 26, 2016

Irony or not?

I fished this out from a sub-reddit thread - FF14 - a game I dabble with to wind down my day.

The image is unclear but the image reads.

This situation shouldn't even exist!

Yet, time and again, REAL LIFE situations/circumstances prove that this position is not an anomaly.

Computer programmes are based on mathematics or at least some form of Math.  Even crime/criminals fall into some mathematical dynamic, otherwise, there will not be any such thing as MO or patterns to trace.

Life is very much made up of systems.

So when we are left with 10/80 DURABILITY, how can our condition be EXCELLENT?

Let's look beyond IRONY or BUG (as gamers would put it).

My Interpretation if this is about Life:
When you are left with just ONE MORE SHOT (whatever that shot is for), your condition is EXCELLENT because when you are backed in corner, you will do it right that final attempt.

It's a lot similar to once you've hit the rock bottom the only way to go next is up situation.

Many times, I have somehow taken a dead end pathway.  But whenever I get back on track, its always with more strength to take the next bad hit.

My life has been a kaleidoscope of colours - but my journey, finally without excess baggages, is nothing less than fulfilling.
I do regret, never making that choice of going SOLO from the start - but perhaps it's because I needed to have a reason to be the best that I can be - the reason is in my son, without whom, life will not be as meaningful and I will not strive to live my life/make the decisions for a greater tomorrow.

It may have taken me a long time to realise how SOLO life works better for me, but at least I've arrived.

On my last DURABILITY 10/80, I am in excellent condition to live life fully.

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