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March 22, 2006

therapy for me

Lately, I have been feeling 'under the weather'. I've resorted to sleeping way before 11pm and waking up even before the sun peeps from the horizon. My bones tell me that if I continue working and living in air-conditioned comfort, I'll have to wrap my entire self in a huge tokuhon medicated wrap! My skin is drying, and the amount of body milk I use, is almost too much to admit.
I was looking at shoes yesterday, and instead of admiring the fit, I went "oh shucks, i need to some body milk for my foot!". Perhaps it's vanity that got the better of me, but I don't have time for that on a realistic level.
So, let me just find the ray of sunshine for myself - in a new pair of shoes or maybe even a new tub of body milk. That should keep my spirits up a little, at least for a bit. It's not retail therapy, it's just being able to act on impulse.

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