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April 26, 2006

Feathers on Fur

My close colleague named him, at least for now, Tweety is a him - people who know me can vouch for my 'accuracy' in sexing a larger pet like a cat. Politely, my colleague gave him a name that is not gender specific - it's probably a common bird name, but one that is simple enough for him to respond to and it actually suits him. He tweets - no whistles, long or short, just simple tweets.
After a harassing week at work, I found joy when I walked through the door of my home - I called out to him and when he saw me from his perch, he flew towards the cage door, to be let out. After 7 days, Tweety recognised me as part of his flock!......he was very nervous to begin with and my cat certainly didn't help with his yeowling everytime. I'm no bird person - I just love pets, because I find them so intriguing - to get into their psyche and understand them as individuals.
A lot of people I know, need to unwind after days of hard work in the office - but me, I'm not high maintenance - I'd go home to spend what little time I have with my birds, fish, dog, cat - for the next few weeks, at least until Tweety is comfortable in his new home with me, he gets priority - So here is Tweety, feathers on fur....

1 comment:

UptownGal said...

Aw... this is a much cuter & clear shot of Tweety! Can't see the green twinge in the photos tho'.. looks more dark greyish-black.

Have u intro'd him to your other birds yet?