There are people who would stand up for their rights, yet again, there are some who simply prefer to be like the pavement, i.e. let everyone step all over them.
How do you help people who don't help themselves?
Never mind how tiring and time consuming it is, but, these people sometimes just 'ask for it'. For an educated society, there are groups of people who still take advantage of the simple-mindedness of others. Being educated doesn't mean having a stack of paper qualifications - it's more about being better people because we are well read.
After having said that, I need to know that karma works because I cannot understand how such evil can be let free. This is a girl who worked for her commission and was bullied and threatened into giving it up - all Three Thousand Dollars, just days before her new year celebrations, for reasons that are baseless and wouldn't stand in a court of law.
So it's never about being loud or putting our stamp on our turf - we have to, because the minute you don't, someone like this will come along and shovel dirt your way, and expect you to eat it up, not clean it up, but consume it.
I am for self-preservation - because of these few evil beings running around.
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