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April 09, 2009

Why can't everything be like 'stories'

Why are some subjects just fine and stay with you almost forever except anything to do with mathematical calculations?
It's interesting to actually find out.

We could have done History, or Geography or even Literature - and remember facts years later when there is a need to recall that information, yet when we are dumped some mathematical equation without practice for years, it becomes greek.

I am referring to Statistics - the dreaded module - which I am stuck with this entire year.

I never failed my statistics when we covered basics but somehow, even the foundation of this subject became just symbols of decoration, if I may put it that way. It's slowly coming back, but not fast enough, because we have an assignment due in less than 4 days and frankly, lost is not where it's comfortable to be, at this point in time.

I find stats to be okay, when I was doing it back then - didn't like it too much, but it wasn't a stumbling block, so to speak. And doing it at a higher level now, is making me feel like an idiot, because how does one do something at a higher level and not 'know' the basics?

Does our mind only remember stories? Do formulas and it's applications require recall and use before it becomes like a 'story' i.e. having the ability to recall at will with reasonable accuracy?

To say I am Suffering, is putting it very mildly - I have been de-stressing with the baby belling oven and painting on a daily basis. On the lighter side, if I do not return a satisfactory credit for my stats, at least I would know that I could always earn my keep in my old age as a baker or brush painter.

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