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February 19, 2014


CONSISTENCY - is lacking in our educators.

I do wonder, if someone should make some kind of recommendation to actually have appraisals done by an external person or someone not linked to the person being appraised.  I understand that teachers today, are required to 'do more' than teach in the classroom to chalk up points for extra performance bonuses.

With the implementation of this system of appraisal - the teaching standard has gone down the 'toilet' because teachers seem to be geared more towards 'poking their noses' where its not necessary just so they are 'seen' to be looking out for the school etc.

20 years ago, teachers were interested in teaching and took pains to ensure their class were motivated to learn.
Today, teachers have 'other interests' high on their priority list.

One teacher told me today : We are doing this back-checking just so parents don't call you to ask about it.
They had to back check because their colleagues (trained) apparently did not keep to some consistency in how work was being marked.
Now, why would they concern themselves with whether or not, parents call me?
Not unless there is something to hide.

Whether or not, a sum is marked the same way ie one tick two ticks or three ticks, doesn't really matter IF the child knows and its clear to the child, that the tick means he got it correct.

Why would parents be bothered if a sum required 3 ticks for full marks, IF full marks have been awarded, given that this is daily work AND NOT a term paper.  Parents would be concerned IF their child is confused by getting a tick but not the mark!

Also, teachers who suggested allowing students to erase incorrect answer for English scripts, are mainly teaching children, that erasing a marked question and filling in the correct answer is the RIGHT WAY.

At age 7, a child is not able to discern between a legal erase and an illegal one.
Why are teachers confusing them?

Educators have lost consistency in the meaning of TEACHING.
This is just one grievance - I haven't even gone over teachers' inability to actually send a grammatically correct sms-text message OR to be in-charge of the assembly and not sound ridiculous in how they address the children.

To have received training would mean clearing the basic in the ability to convey the message accurately as well as to be equipped with the dynamics of learning and how best to maximise the brains ability to absorb information.

It is time for everyone to demand consistency.
It is time for policy makers to ensure that our children are not the victims of GARBAGE IN AND GARBAGE OUT.
At the moment, its trash that still can be salvaged, but if left unchecked, it will be garbage.

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