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February 20, 2014

If you can't beat them - REPORT

My lesson of the day is : IF YOU CAN"T BEAT THEM, REPORT.

That has always been my 'policy' actually - and having been an Internal Auditor for Organisational Procedures, its a difficult habit to shake off.

I do not subscribe to the 'close one eye' idea since it never teaches anyone anything.  If a behavior is unacceptable, one cannot expect the same to not be repeated in the future, until some corrective measures are in place.

This is the reason why relationships break down badly.
Relationships do not just mean a male/female relationship or a marriage since any ties that 'bind' us at any level to another individual, qualifies to be in some sort of a relationship.

A child NEEDS TO BE corrected so that he learns to mend his ways over time.
Adults who behave badly were children who either got away with behaving badly until they thought themselves to be 'unable to ever be caught' OR they are just born selfish and self-centered thus will not be able to stay in a long-term relationship unless the other party is always giving in.

People choose to think they are right even when societal polls (if ever taken) says they are wrong.  And instead of sounding pompous, they go on to use the phrase "but thats your perspective'.

They fail to understand that in some instances, 'collective perspective' overrides 'your perspective'.  Social norms exist because they supercede the minority norms.  If people do not walk on the street naked, its because social norms warrant some dress code.  The minority might love walking naked in the sun along Rodeo Drive yet they HAVE TO SUBSCRIBE to the majority social norms of wearing something.

There is no excuse for bad behavior or inappropriate retorts.

I have faced many situations I could opt to 'live with' yet for each one of them, I chose 'lesson plans'.  I don't see why I have to be 'supportive' of anything that is socially negative whether or not I benefit from it in the longer term.  This is mainly because I believe that people come into our lives either to teach us something or vice versa.  I have learnt many hard lessons from people who have been in my life only to realise years later that I'm thankful for them.

So its not about me having the desire to be the know it all either.
I'm constantly learning and making adjustments as society changes.
Its about me not willing to let people believe they are flawless because NO ONE is ever flawless.  People have a right to be delusional about how great they are, but sorry mate, not on my turf you don't. Try humility.  It always works better in any setting.

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