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December 30, 2018


And so, there was this suggestion, in some comment section, that perhaps, PERHAPS, if people were given larger dwellings, they will be 'motivated' to have larger families.

Now, if that alone is going to be a solution for population growth, I think we don't really need to study economics or sociology or even finance.

This idea, probably came from another idea that when we have more space, we will procreate to fill that space. 
Whatever happened to people, who are generally selfish for themselves? It still applies today, in 2018.  Nothing has changed people's desire, true desire.

I guess when we have supposedly had our motivations to be EXCELLENT, WORLD CLASS, some begin to think that we are FIRST WORLD. 


Take a look at the statistics.  WHO are the ones really collecting on the baby bonus? 

I believe that attracting the WRONG parent-set is more detrimental to an ageing population.

Imagine, we have hit our target population regeneration, only to find that our nursing homes are still filled to the brim.  Now, wouldn't that be a larger problem?

Parents who want to be parents.  Parents who want to raise socially-responsible children, DO NOT NEED TO BE COMPENSATED to procreate.  They will do so, regardless.

So, is our world here compromising on QUALITY?

Like, are we so statistics crazed that we need to adjust bell-curves, set new NORMS for education, IMPORT TALENTS, just so we put 'ourselves' on the world map of achievements?

As 2018 comes to a close, I wish, with all my heart, that if the world is going to end, PLEASE END IT ALREADY.

I have had to put up with GARBAGE suggestions, watch as generations after me just cannot even hold an intelligent conversation and how double-standards always apply.

Whenever I travel by the 'subway', and somehow, conversations just trickle by, I hear nothing fascinating or even intelligent.  These are the ones, who are in their 20s-30s.  And I think to myself -

Wow, the internet isn't doing these people much good in terms of teaching...but wait, that's because they are too busy on lame applications, which do nothing except promote GOSSIP.  Didn't they learn, in their informative years, that GOSSIP is not any lesson-worthy platform?

For the many things that I never like China about - Mandarin (my lack of skill in that area), I think they got something right.....they never allowed propaganda to filter into their country.

BUT we, because we want people here to not be restricted, have allowed anything at all to be said and read, times over.  The only people who sue are members of our Government - the lay person isn't going to do that, of course.....since most people do not have a bottomless bank account.  So the GOSSIP mongering goes on and on and on.

For a society who prides itself in not taking sides, we surely are, in terms of other people's politics.  I have yet to find a situation where they fished out news from CNN and then balanced it with another.....I mean, isn't that good reporting? 

For years now, I have stopped reading news from the normal sources because it's not accurate.

American news isn't difficult to figure out.  Perhaps for me, since I have a ton of American friends...and I get confused, because whatever we find here, isn't really what's going on there, on the ground....so over time, I lose confidence in local news feeds.  When I really want to know something, I just use the internet and ask my friends who are there....some even are near the border...and know what exactly happened to that first boy who died....but no one ever is interested in real journalism anymore.

SO, I can't wait for this year to pass, so that if the tribulation is going to begin in the next year, bring it on already........it's very disappointing that people have lost their religious faith......I believe that no matter which religion we belong to, it never teaches us to lie.

So Happy New Year, cannot come sooner.

December 26, 2018

Annual Christmas Lunch

This year, it's Marriot.  Just couldn't resist.  After all, it's our 'religious' yearly Christmas meet, so why not.

Yes, we were offered this assortment of FRESH crustaceans. It was all iced orderly.  I must say, Marriot is just that good at their presentation.  Because of the food poisoning scare lately, almost every counter had a time written on a small board.
I was impressed.

The last time we were there was like a year ago, in October for high tea.  This year was the first, we decided to brave the crowd and plonk ourselves at the tip of Orchard.

No regrets.

I requested for a 'window' seat, same as when I fly....just because having the option of watching people walk by as we took turns to fill up our plates is just too good to pass up.  It was the 2nd day of Christmas, yet many were still lugging bags of shopping.  The place was so full that I'm just glad I made the reservation way in November.  Which idiot would expect to walk-in anyway?

This is what I meant by iced.  So neat and presentable.

The ambiance was excellent.  Not too noisy, crowded but because of how the buffet was organised, diners had a flow and no two diners had to squeeze for servings.

In fact, there is no need to squeeze.  Who does that?
It's so uncultured especially since it's the season.

Because we had such a great time just relaxing with the soft music, great service and excellent food, we are planning to re-vamp our CNY meal in 2019.

Yes, one can never get too much of a good thing - not especially when for the rest of the year, we are pretty much grounded about what's going on in the world and that for all our Blessings to-date, we must render 'assistance' when it crosses our path.  We do not shy away from say, buying a struggling family books for their children, or to help a child grasp some concept in school. We take, but we must always give - no matter how minute -

I have not lived a flawless life, but as I always have said, I had to walk those trials, in order to be able to do what I have to do in my later life. 

I realise that people who deserve me, get me.  People who don't, don't.
It's not that I'm all important - NO - it's because I have a purpose, spiritually - I knew that purpose for years and whenever I fight them, I loose.

It's like a calling somewhat.  You cannot discharge yourself from it.

People put in my life were lessons....lessons I had to learn through experience so that it's never repeated.  Those made me better....an improvement of some sort. 

So here goes 2018 and soon comes 2019 and another sumptuous lunch on the table!

December 24, 2018

Merry Christmas!

And so Christmas Eve is here - I have been waiting for this all year, simply because, 2019 promises to be better.
It's sometimes not about wishing but 'looking forward'.  There is nothing to really wish for - we take whatever cards are dealt and run with it....after all, that's what survivors do.

Many times, when I think, I've been 'taken for a ride', it always worked out for the better.  Never, not even half a once, was life so terrible that I was left without.

People think, they got me - think, but I always had contingencies, which people generally don't think anyone ever goes around with.

The one thing, I have learnt, since young was, to always rely on myself.
AND, I have never abandoned that M.O.
So it's another wonderful Christmas for my son and myself....and if people think, both of us ever forget about GOD, then they are so wrong.  A great part of our lives, revolves around GOD and lending a hand.  Those are our graces which were bestowed upon us, and we never take it for granted.

When I decided to walk my own path, and raise my son, the way I knew was best for him, I started from zero.  We made our own traditions and memories. 

This evening, as we carved our leg of lamb, we remembered the many Blessings, GOD has given us.  The lamb was wonderful, by the way.  We didn't do turkey, don't like that 'meat' in particular.
Tomorrow, Christmas Day, we are going for our Christmas lunch as always.

I can't say that we are, or have ever been in 'want'.
WE have whatever we need - always.

So as Christmas carols play in the background, and there's lots of food and wine going around, we send our thanks to God, for blessing us with His Love, Grace and Protection.

Merry Christmas to everyone - and 
May God Bless us all in these trying times in the world these days.

December 15, 2018

Dim Sum WOW


This was my first visit and it didn't disappoint.  My friends are probably more into the 'what to order' so I left it to them.....I guess being semi-retired women with half a career means we still 'can afford' to be picky about where we eat.

We decided against JB, since the spat is still on-going and thought to spend our SGD here.  Dim Sum there would have been 1/3 the price here but as I said, we can afford to pay in SGD.  A few people like us, cannot dent the Malaysian economy, but well, we were just doing our part to make a statement.  Whatever's going on is laughable and even to be expected.  Nevertheless, it's still irritating.

What I found to be the absolute best, is the Sesame Seed Ball.....It was excellent......I didn't think I could get so much satisfaction just biting into the steaming hot bun.

Nways, we did a no car day, so we took the train to the nearest mall after this meal and as usual, bought what we did not really need....but it's Christmas season ......Again, wonderful day for us all....to finally get a  day out, without having to rush rush rush!

December 13, 2018

Grow up and tend to your own 'garden'

History repeats itself.

Actually, the possibility of it repeating itself is high. At least that's what I believe in.  HOWEVER, history is there so that we are able to re-work a path.

I have said it many times, one cannot do the same thing over and over again & expect a different outcome.  That doesn't happen - and the proof is in the Math.

As the year 2018 draws to a close, our little island is facing some trying matters with our closest neighbour. 

There was talk about intrusions in territorial waters - which was the latest in the political scene.  It started with the old issue of water, the buying and selling.  Then it moved to the 'crooked' bridge.
For me, a person who has lived through ALL that huff and puff - it's a repeat performance.

What's irritating is, people's need to try to outdo themselves when they believe they were given a second attempt.

All these issues have been 'resolved' donkey years ago, but somehow, the agreements seem to have faded away in some demented mind. 

Our little island, may not have natural resources yet we have done more than just swell, economically.  Perhaps that's the real issue behind all this 'we didn't agree to that' (although it was agreed upon).  Perhaps some feel that because we are so tiny, we do not need 2 state-of-the-art airports.  I mean, I get it, theirs is really not quite up to par.

So this Christmas season, I pray that such people will realise that Charity begins at home ie Clean up your own shit before trying to say we have a shitty backyard.

For all who go across the little straight bridge, to save their pennies, please re-consider and spend your money here.  I know what people will say, but we don't have enough.  Well, when is enough enough? If humans were easily contented, we will not need religious classes to tell us otherwise.

Go for less holidays if your family needs the cash more.
Sell the car, since our public transportation is great and our island is too tiny to say anywhere is too far.
Buy less junk.

But people will be people.  Don't have enough, but still spending the same.

I was planning to actually get more popcorn, but since this issue started, I stopped.  Screw the popcorn.  I rather do without and I may be ONE person, who will never be able to dent their economy, but at least I know I'm doing my bit for my Singapore.

Today, my friends and I, are having Dim Sum here in Singapore - the original plan was across the bridge....and we all agreed, dim sum here is 3x more but it's going to be worth it.

December 11, 2018

favourite memes 2

Simple question.

I wonder why the answer isn't obvious to the people who keep insisting the US has been destroyed.

This is logic.
If the US is so bad now, compared to the pre-TRUMP era, why are people who swore they would leave the US, still there? Why are there migrant caravans trying to scale the makeshift wall?  Why go from the frying pan to the fire?
Common sense isn't so common after all, right?

I guess, that's why a lot of them spend a lot of time, protesting, instead of working that brain and perhaps be thankful that more people have jobs now, families can actually have a super Christmas and that soon, the American Colleges and Universities will be back to where they were, decades ago...

Nways, I will add this meme to my list of favourites!

December 10, 2018

favourite memes

As 2018 comes to a close, I remember some memes, which I came across this year.

My favourite is this right here >>>

Thing about politics is, so I have heard many times when I was a teenager : Politics is Dirty.

Back then, I had no idea how far the 'dirt' extended.

After the last US Election and the recent mid-terms, it confirms that Politicians, who have nothing to really offer the people, lie and cheat - just to get that whiff of Power.

Thankfully for me, we don't have that fiasco here.  We are tiny little Nation, so there is no place for such dramas.  I know that when I look at my MP, he is there to serve the community i.e. he puts himself/herself first.  He will never be so blatant as to lie and then cover that lie with another.  If anything, sometimes, masking the truth is necessary until the time is right.  I accept that.

But to have a whole election system open to rigging, people of position who lie because they have their own agenda, is making a mockery of what a government does.  People entrust the government to instill fair and justness to the community.  What's so wrong about winning the correct way?

As much as I hate to cite this example, take the current Malaysian PM.  He came back.  He won the last election fair and square.  He's a thorn in our side, but he won fairly.  

The issue has always been about illegals.  How could people accept illegals? Have they no regard for the safety of their family and friends?  Why do we have immigration authorities? So that we know who is here and what their business here is.  If visitors did not have an alternate agenda, why is there a need to operate under 'cloak and dagger'?  

I am aware that some people are really 'running' away from a war-torn home.  But if you really fear for your life, your family's life, why would you be violent when in front of another country's border?  Why would anyone want to grant admission to a troublemaker?  I mean, is this so deep that such people don't get? 

If I wanted help, I would have to cut my pride down several notches and beg for mercy.  I don't think acting up, and being obnoxious would gain me that assistance I so require.  

This is a straightforward fact.
many cannot see it.

They think it's the US government being nasty.

I guess, propaganda sells a lot easier than cold, hard facts.  

December 03, 2018

Christmas Season is here!

Here we are in December again! 
This year, Christmas decorations started popping from boxes early.  Given that the year was so laced with dread, in terms of Feng Shui, it actually was more than manageable, thanks to the Blessings from God.

I never was very vocal about my beliefs, because the world is just too anal & prefers to worship popularity, power and money.  I always felt side-lined that way, confused because living as best as we could alongside kindness, humility, sincerity and honesty is really too much to hope to see in another person, once they 'think' they have conquered it all.

But, I plod along, never allowing these 'failures' to ruin what I believe in, which is, the greatest Power, the Supreme Being of this world.  People are just so fixated at the material world, that they lost their ability to think, to be rational and to be less gullible.  People forget that it's easier to believe the Devil and to be his pawn.
Yes, pawn, because once the Devil has exhausted your use, you are forgotten - sounds familiar? People who forget the kindness of others, will soon be forgotten.  Karma is a bitch.

I have never had to worry about such people, because God has never forsaken me.  Every Christmas, I have more to thank Him for.  Every Christmas, more earthly burdens are lifted.  God is with me, every breathing second of the day.  Thanks be to God!
I know my neighbours were sometimes confused, since the exterior of my home is always decorated.  CNY, Deepavali and now Christmas. But over the years, they now understand that no matter what we celebrate, the celebration is about God, who has come in many forms.  So it's not about religion, but more a philosophy of how we should live.  

With every Christmas season, my orders for gifting log-cakes increases.  I remember the Mid-Autumn festival, my son had to lug boxes of mooncake with him for his office and the cleaning aunties there.  He told me, that he felt so good, just watching the aunties' faces light up because they got a box too.

As we move closer to Christmas Day, let's not forget those who worked so hard the whole year, and share the Christmas cheer.  Give, because we have received.