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December 10, 2018

favourite memes

As 2018 comes to a close, I remember some memes, which I came across this year.

My favourite is this right here >>>

Thing about politics is, so I have heard many times when I was a teenager : Politics is Dirty.

Back then, I had no idea how far the 'dirt' extended.

After the last US Election and the recent mid-terms, it confirms that Politicians, who have nothing to really offer the people, lie and cheat - just to get that whiff of Power.

Thankfully for me, we don't have that fiasco here.  We are tiny little Nation, so there is no place for such dramas.  I know that when I look at my MP, he is there to serve the community i.e. he puts himself/herself first.  He will never be so blatant as to lie and then cover that lie with another.  If anything, sometimes, masking the truth is necessary until the time is right.  I accept that.

But to have a whole election system open to rigging, people of position who lie because they have their own agenda, is making a mockery of what a government does.  People entrust the government to instill fair and justness to the community.  What's so wrong about winning the correct way?

As much as I hate to cite this example, take the current Malaysian PM.  He came back.  He won the last election fair and square.  He's a thorn in our side, but he won fairly.  

The issue has always been about illegals.  How could people accept illegals? Have they no regard for the safety of their family and friends?  Why do we have immigration authorities? So that we know who is here and what their business here is.  If visitors did not have an alternate agenda, why is there a need to operate under 'cloak and dagger'?  

I am aware that some people are really 'running' away from a war-torn home.  But if you really fear for your life, your family's life, why would you be violent when in front of another country's border?  Why would anyone want to grant admission to a troublemaker?  I mean, is this so deep that such people don't get? 

If I wanted help, I would have to cut my pride down several notches and beg for mercy.  I don't think acting up, and being obnoxious would gain me that assistance I so require.  

This is a straightforward fact.
many cannot see it.

They think it's the US government being nasty.

I guess, propaganda sells a lot easier than cold, hard facts.  

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