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July 24, 2006

Awards for ?????

Lately, I have been made aware of numerous people, having received some public commendation for service to the nation, who committed punishable offences. This is not good publicity and it makes me wonder how these people received commendation in the first place. Some people are just better being regular people - people who still contribute greatly without the glory. Some people just cannot handle 'power'. It's not the system that is wrong in giving people who have served, recognition. Often, it's the people on the ground, who never had a chance at fame, who would just go overboard when the pressure hits them personally.
Some people are just 'stool carriers' and their accommodating nature and ever willingness to please the group gains them support. However, that certainly doesn't justify that person receiving a public award, that is supposedly prestigious. When caught, these people will give statements about their failed businesses, gambling or just having a huge heart. It does not make it right.
I know of some who failed in business, declared themselves bankrupt, yet picked themselves up and started again from scratch. These are the people that need public commendation, since when they were made bankrupt, they made the headlines in the NOTICES section of the newspaper. Yet, when they succeed, no one gives them a medal.
I never bothered about who received what kind of honour in the papers, because it's always the regular people who will always matter to any society. There will always be systems where recognition is given not on a deserving level, but more on the level of blind following. Perhaps its time we just saved the money for such ceremonies and donate it to a more deserving charity.

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