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July 31, 2006

Bloggers vs celebrity DJs

The topic today on radio was about bloggers. The DJs felt that bloggers were given celebrity status in the papers which apparently is not deserving because of the topics bloggers were blogging about - I heard the topic "sex".
Its quite contradictory coming from the DJs who air sexual jokes as early as before 7 in the morning. I travel a long way to work and several times during the journey, there will be sexual innuendos in their verbal exchange. Is it really the sexual content or is it having newbies with the celeb status that's disturbing?
I'm open to having discussions, sexual or otherwise - provided there is just cause for it.
If someone decided to have an open discussion about child prostitution, then by george, let's do something about it. BUT a constant injection of sexual jokes is very telling on just how ill the mind really is - because this is done without realising who the listening audiences are.
Bloggers have their reading audience, and I'm sure the DJs know they have theirs. The difference is, when one surfs the internet, you have a choice of the entire world wide web to begin reading from - but as for the radio, choice is limited, because each station focuses on a different genre of music. Also, during peak hours, traffic updates are critical.
I think the problem lies in the word 'celebrity'. I guess the DJs just couldn't accept that some blogger got themselves that status overnight.

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