I always held high respect for people who are self-made i.e. succeeded by own merits. In a world where people are so easily recruited to become slaves to money, it's with awe whenever I am in a circle which included such self-made people.
Some people marry into money, I'm sure there is nothing wrong with that in their books - it could be their good fortune or a marriage of convenience. Some people give up their social life to climb the corporate ladder - nothing wrong with that either - it's a personal choice. Some others con people of money to get it for themselves - nothing wrong with that either, if the conned party deserves it. Some people become a little like robin hood - nothing wrong with that too -
What will be wrong is when a person becomes so obsessed with money because they have attributed that to be tagged with power and control. That is not morally correct. Money buys a lot of comforts, money pays bills too - but when we sell our principles because of money, then we are not a person anymore, but a commodity which could be bought by the highest bidder.
In my life, I have had moments when I could have chosen an easier option to obtain money - but being an odd-ball, I have my doubts about taking the easier route. I have lived with this personal mantra of seeking 'suffering' when I have the energy to 'suffer' and look forward to 'less suffering' when I have one foot in the grave. I believe very much in the fact that everyone has to 'suffer' setbacks either early or late in their lives - I opted to do it early - it gives me time to do rectification - corny, but true for me.
What motivated me to write this piece is : watching a 50 year old woman, still trying to hang on to control and power, using money against people. A woman who married into money, not because of love, but because it was convenient for her. A woman who is such a slave to money, that she openly gave up her religion just so she could have her hand in the pot of honey. It's fine to practice another religion, but when a person picks and choose which laws of the religion she wishes to follow is another issue. She maintains her original religion which forbids certain practices but she does it anyway to keep her inheritance by marriage. Disgusting.
Then she goes around telling everyone she's a self-made person.
I think she needs a dictionary.
that is not self-made, that is conning of the self.
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