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September 18, 2008


How do we get out of streotyping people? It's tough really because perhaps certain behaviours/predispositions are culture based. I'm using the term 'culture' broadly. How did a person become a control freak? well, perhaps they never had the opportunity to supervise without being supervised at the same time - also perhaps their family never gave them the respect of any hardwork-type achievement, so they had this grabbing mentality. Perhaps they always conned their way and got away with it, making it tough when their good luck expired and they are left with just rotten, negative energy.

I try not to stereotype, but it's difficult, because stereotyping a person usually means negatively. A person is prone to gambling because he's from this culture - that's one example. A person is loose, because she's from this culture.

People must really live up to their stereotypes since newer labels are seldom found - it's always the same ole label for the same group differentiation. There must therefore be some truth in it for it to be there - in fact not just some truth, it must have some large random sample that became a universal observation.

Whatever the case, stereotyping will be here to stay, unless people start living life, the way we are supposed to. That is, as contributing citizens, considerate friend, sincere business associate and so on and so forth.

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