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July 26, 2006


Recently there was this debate going on radio about cyclists. I think all drivers will share my sentiments that cyclists are a hazard on the road. This morning, one decided to maintain cycling in the middle of a 2-lane road, without even trying to move to the side of the road, during the morning rush to the city. Someone suggested making these people pay for the use of the road plus taking the highway code. They have no mirrors on their bikes so they are not aware of what's going on behind them. They are so bent over that they don't even look back.
I'm all for them wanting to keep fit, keep carbon monoxide pollution down etc., but if a vehicle runs them down, it'll be the driver of the car that will be blamed. Our roads are congested enough, without us having to deal with such cyclists or bikers. Bikers are the same, zipping and zapping between cars who are already bumper to bumper.
When it comes to road safety, I think the Malaysian road authority got it right. They have extra lanes for them, making it safer for all road users. Of course, they have their buffalo crossing problems and trailers, but the idea is comforting.
We should be looking into solving this because isn't it all about safety for everyone? Isn't this as important as having smoking tables?

1 comment:

UptownGal said...

If u thought adult cyclists were bad enough... today, on the way to the vet, i saw a father taking his 2 younger kids CYCLING on the road!! The older gal could cycle... tho' she couldn't keep close to the edge... but the younger boy? He didn't even know how to cycle! He kept falling off his bike!! Which moron would teach his kid how to cycle on a 2 lane road, of which 1 lane was totally filled with parked cars, which means u have cars cutting in & out of the free lane. Dunno to call him stupid or suicidal!