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September 29, 2006

Every day is Important

It's soon THE day again - the day I was dumped into this world. Most people are festive, they observe festivals, they celebrate anniversaries, death/birth or weddings/divorces/breakups and birthdays. Not me. I have had such a messed up life that each day that passes without a glitch is festive for me. Not many believe that I seriously do not practice the art of celebration by way of cakes, flowers, balloons or lavish pressies.
I support living, not existing - therefore, each day becomes important - I get winded up just trying to maximise the day - not letting a minute go by, to waste. Waste for me is when we didn't do our best. My son, does not understand why he should not get me presents or flowers - I hope I am not ruining his future relationships since most, expect such days to be remembered by lavish shows of affection.
I do not, however, take the joy of presents from him - he receives gifts but never deliberately on a 'special' day - and each time he receives a gift, it's not to celebrate just his birth, but to remind him that each day, is just as important to me, because I have him to begin with. It will be tough on him to become a young adult and ignore this common practice of presents - but I stand firm that, if any relationship is dependant on a little box of surprises, then that is what it's only worth!


It's soon THE day again - the day I was dumped into this world. Most people are festive, they observe festivals, they celebrate anniversaries, death/birth or weddings/divorces/breakups and birthdays. Not me. I have had such a messed up life that each day that passes without a glitch is festive for me. Not many believe that I seriously do not practice the art of celebration by way of cakes, flowers, balloons or lavish pressies.
I support living, not existing - therefore, each day becomes important - I get winded up just trying to maximise the day - not letting a minute go by, to waste. Waste for me is when we didn't do our best. My son, does not understand why he should not get me presents or flowers - I hope I am not ruining his future relationships since most, expect such days to be remembered by lavish shows of affection.
I do not, however, take the joy of presents from him - he receives gifts but never deliberately on a 'special' day - and each time he receives a gift, it's not to celebrate just his birth, but to remind him that each day, is just as important to me, because I have him to begin with. It will be tough on him to become a young adult and ignore this common practice of presents - but I stand firm that, if any relationship is dependant on a little box of surprises, then that is what it's only worth!

September 28, 2006

Long Week

What constitutes a long week? For me, this week was such a week, and it's not even Friday yet. Sometimes I wonder, if I were born in another city, would my occupation be the same? In marketing, we never always have the luxury of selling something outright. BUT to come face to face with a buyer who is repetitive, have an endless list of objections, and forgetful is a whole different ball game.
Thankfully for me, I managed to get together a good team to tip-toe around black hole. And whilst this was brewing, another person totally forgot that there is another case floating - how that came to be is as alien to me as what a dwarf planet it.
I had a buyer who wanted perfection for every dollar and another who believed in all honesty that every dollar he left as a booking fee would generate 5 times the amount for his entire downpayment at the snap of his fingers! That is how my week went so far.
Therefore, the lesson about long weeks are - simply to ride it out - forget running away, because 'long' in itself would imply never ending, continuous, and time consuming without the frills added on. You cannot run away from LONG - because it has arms long enough to catch up!

September 26, 2006

Crappy Mr Crap

I'm sure many have encountered attention-seekers in the course of their work. Having met a fair bit, I must say that this particular chap (Mr Crap) takes the cake! I am beginning to believe that he actually adapts to the situation very quickly. Take the recent project I'm working on - I wrote about star players who did a better job of resting on their laurels rather than actually do a sale - Mr Crap sits and waits for opportunities and then in measured time, pounces on another person's achievement and announces to individuals that his sharing of the Crap Theory helped that person to seal the deal.
If Mr Crap is young and never walked the path of life, I would be forgiving. But Mr Crap is way past the 40 flagpole! He probably needs a double shot of prozac for starters and should check himself in for a mind make0ver to rid himself of this anal fixation! Some colon cleansing might do him good too, because there would be no more stools he could possibly spit out at his colleagues.
As a kid, I remember the "wash your mouth with bleach & sun it" line - Mr Crap would need to do more than that, although bleach & sun could get rid of the Parvo virus.
I don't know how to deal with this, but for the moment, he's a virus that's not going to have time to run his cycle.

September 25, 2006

Sacrifices and Packages

Good things never come in large packages. Perhaps, the whole idea is; learning lessons from appreciating the smallest gesture. Speaking from experience, I have never had a good thing in a large package. My life and what I am totally made up of, has been a culmination of small packages of good things.
Of course, there are many moments, where I wished for some other forms of excitement, just to make sure I still understood the meaning of 'enjoyment'. I am not depressed, neither am I overjoyed - I'm just zooming along a plateau where everything is measured.
It took me years to attain this balance - one that didn't make me bored, but enough to keep me in line. BUT there are private seconds, when I wish, I have the courage to tip the scales - note the present tense used - because this will continuously be my state of being, at least until whenever.
There is this fear, that if I traded one small package to tip the scales a little, I would need to find two small packages to balance it out again. It doesn't make sense to some, that I would do this balancing act, almost like a sacrifice, just so I didn't have to deal with the extra load afterwards - perhaps it is, but then, isn't life full of sacrifices, anyway?

September 22, 2006


For most of my life, I have never felt abandoned - alone, perhaps, but never abandoned. I am a person in my own right and I have always been like this. I don't make excuses, neither do I tolerate them. I don't have a normal social life - and I don't miss the chit-chats. Yet, I know that I have been cared for and protected by the good GOD above. For me, a person of facts and science, it's a big deal to openly say this.
From a young age, friends never factored much in the decisions I made in my life. When I got my O-levels, I chose to do my A's at a different school - changed streams, I never was afraid to be by myself. That's why I have grown up being answerable to myself and only me.
I believe that as long as we don't have a wicked bone, or have ill-intentions, or worse still, be insincere - we will be blessed. It may have to do with my Buddhist beliefs, but what goes around, does come around. I have been blessed, in more ways than anyone can begin to imagine. For a person with a harsh exterior, it may be tough for some to fanthom, but the truth is never in the cover of the book - yet, to uncover the pages, is another story - a story that I wrote in invisible ink - very very few know it and I keep it that way - BUT today, as I looked at the flowers, smell the fresh air of morning, and watch the sea as the winds brush by it, I remember that I have been taken care of, all my life, by the good GOD above me.

September 21, 2006

Timing is of the Essence

I have been procrastinating about visiting Bangkok for years! I finally managed to carry that out just recently. I'm glad I did, when I did after hearing news of a peaceful coup there. My goal, was to visit the 'much talked about' shrine.
I was planning to go back, perhaps at year end, or early next year, and I hope that things will sort out, so that my plans need not be diverted.
This is a good example of 'seize the opportunity' because had I decided to wait till year end, when the rest of the population travels, then I would be in a predicament today.
This brings me on to the other one liner I favour - Do what you can do today, and don't wait for tomorrow. We should apply that principle to everything that we do. Why wait?
Perhaps I'm an up-and-go person, but I don't think that's the excuse at all - I believe that we should do what we want to do - why drag our feet if that's what we really want to do!
So, I'm glad I went - no regrets - and I would like to go back when things settle - and take a look at the rest of the beautiful temples.

September 18, 2006

Forward Plans

I wonder if there is anything like planning backwards, aside from working out a timeline that way. As the last quarter of the year draws closer, my colleagues and myself have been getting into discussions about our forward plans.
My belief is rather simplistic - go for what is within reach without falling short of the objective. I'm optimistic but I'm a realist at heart. Much as I would like to think I'm superwoman, I know I have better sense than to have tight fitting clothes in my closet!
As with everyone, I have come to a point in my life where I take my work seriously, yet have no desires in multiplying my portfolio. I get satisfaction from attaining the goals set and a good cup of coffee.
It's a good year for me, because I have met my personal objectives, which includes taking my son on his first flight outstation. When he was young, he just couldn't sit still - he was very active and restless - and that alone scared me and gave me second thoughts each time I planned a vacation. Then, vacations meant short trips to local hotels or just across the border.
So, forward planning does work - although we may take longer to achieve our goal (for whatever reason), it's important to have it within sight - lest it becomes another thing not done.

September 15, 2006

Accredited - what it means

There is a good reason why the world needs 'activists'. I am not referring to people who riot or cause physical injuries to others. They are people, like you and me, who are behind support groups for "Causes" - some examples are whaling, children of africa. I am certainly not referring to those who have a political agenda because for starters, it is more personal.
These groups are accredited, because what they have discovered, learnt, or known by chance and confirmed by investigation is Cause enough for them to come forward and request for funding.
The IMF and WB have descended upon our little island here - activists have been scrutinised and publicity for this scrutiny has been criticised. Question: Have we become a paranoid society? Again, I am not referring to people who riot - that has nothing to do with professionals who work very hard to be heard for something as simple as 'budget'. These are the checks and balances.
We conduct exercises for rioting, terrorists, chemical attacks - What does that mean? In the first place, I realise that our island did not make provisions for such people to even remotely operate - we are prepared to deal with exercises, like school - study for tests and exams, on stipulated dates only. I do not think the terrorists would leave us a schedule of attacks via email, so that we may don our masks and prepare the bomb shelter to hide in.
If not for accredited activists, whales will still die a horrid death - causes for the children of Africa may never be made known - our ozone may just be gone tomorrow.
That's what it means to be accredited by the IMF and WB - it's a good enough cause for them to keep yelling so that they are heard.

September 12, 2006

Jumping on the Band Wagon

Some people have this bad habit of jumping on the band wagon, especially if it's going somewhere good. I don't really bother about where anyone wants to head to as long as it doesn't interfere with my personal journey.
When things go well, every one, wants a piece of the glory. When things are not going well, people distance themselves. We need to upgrade our sense of ethics. In this day and age, we need to be less primitive in our behaviour because even animals behave better than that!
Why ruin another person's opportunities because of a personal ego trip? This person also boasts of a religion loudly, at his desk - Being religious, does not teach us to glorify - it teaches us humility. BUT how does one equate a glory-seeking person, who greets you politely, yet messes everything up for everyone else, and then denies it point-blank? I think he's reading his own version of the christian bible OR perhaps, he totally doesn't understand the published language because he missed a whole part of social studies and Moral education.
For a few weeks, the sales associates had to put up with blame for misquoting - and today, I found out that the culprit was not any one of them but someone from my office.
This is not a genuine mistake, because it happened before thus it is now DELIBERATE. Therefore, my response will be just as deliberate. I dislike the tit for tat, but it either ends here or this person will keep this up. To stop recurring behaviour, we will have to put in place punishment that will serve as a lifelong lesson especially when we all know that counselling doesn't work for this person.

September 05, 2006

Lasting Impressions

It was my first visit to BKK - the closest I've ever been was always on transit. I have never been curious about visiting the land of smiles, hospitality and affordable shopping. For some, 3 days was not enough for BKK, but I found it just right, perhaps because I'm quite a homebird. This trip to BKK is long overdue, because it has always been my desire to visit a shrine there.
The first thing that struck me once there, are cables. There were cables everywhere. It's not because I've never seen cables above ground that I got mesmerised by it all! It's like art on the streets - looped over, crossed, hanging low - I have never been so engrossed by anything like it.
And so, here are two pictures for keepsake.