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September 15, 2006

Accredited - what it means

There is a good reason why the world needs 'activists'. I am not referring to people who riot or cause physical injuries to others. They are people, like you and me, who are behind support groups for "Causes" - some examples are whaling, children of africa. I am certainly not referring to those who have a political agenda because for starters, it is more personal.
These groups are accredited, because what they have discovered, learnt, or known by chance and confirmed by investigation is Cause enough for them to come forward and request for funding.
The IMF and WB have descended upon our little island here - activists have been scrutinised and publicity for this scrutiny has been criticised. Question: Have we become a paranoid society? Again, I am not referring to people who riot - that has nothing to do with professionals who work very hard to be heard for something as simple as 'budget'. These are the checks and balances.
We conduct exercises for rioting, terrorists, chemical attacks - What does that mean? In the first place, I realise that our island did not make provisions for such people to even remotely operate - we are prepared to deal with exercises, like school - study for tests and exams, on stipulated dates only. I do not think the terrorists would leave us a schedule of attacks via email, so that we may don our masks and prepare the bomb shelter to hide in.
If not for accredited activists, whales will still die a horrid death - causes for the children of Africa may never be made known - our ozone may just be gone tomorrow.
That's what it means to be accredited by the IMF and WB - it's a good enough cause for them to keep yelling so that they are heard.

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