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November 08, 2006

Metal and Me

A colleague of mine did some calculations and informed me that I got my 'lucky' colour right, BUT I still needed something 'metal'. I must have screwed up my face big time, because then she immediately volunteered a suggestion. She suggested that I wear bracelet strap watches instead of my favourite leather-type.
On a normal day, I would have just ignored it - but instead of being such a skeptic, I decided to use that as an excuse to go shopping. I walked into my favourite watch shop and walked out minutes later with another Seiko. *duh
Yes, I could have changed the leather strap of the current Seiko to it's original metal bracelet, but Nooooooo, I had to go buy myself another....so typical of me.
AND how could I survive with just ONE watch right? So I'm going on the hunt - perfect!
Looking back on the past 7 days - I think she gave me good advice, and I don't regret one penny I've spent on this watch.


UptownGal said...

excuses, excuses!!

KATRINE said...

hahah, well, isn't life just full of it?