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August 01, 2007

Green with envy

I wonder how this term came about - after all, green is supposed to be a colour that's soothing for the eyes. Envy is not a trait that one should be proud to own, because envy when it's overwhelming, can and will eat into the core of our beings, stifling positive growth.
When friends do well, we should congratulate them because it probably took a whole lot of effort, courage and determination on their part.
When we let envy get the better of us, we become bitter people - even if we didn't know that person all that well, we should still feel sincerely happy for them. The world has enough of misery that we need sincerity to balance the scales.
Next time someone succeeds, even if that means having baked a perfect cake - be happy for that person - it may have come out of a baking tin, but it's effort nevertheless and what's the big deal about spreading some honest cheer around?
One day, we may need that little push of encouragement ourselves, and instead turning green with envy, we should be beaming sunshine that someone just made it, in this mad, mad world.

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