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February 05, 2007


When does a man, decide that his ego takes precedent over work ethics? In my opinion, it's way too often.
For the life of me, I cannot understand why, given any man, can they not separate the two? Work has always been work in my books - there is no space for emotions, nor room for egos. We stay focused to get the job done. Men used to be able to do just that, in those days. What happened?

A male was late for reporting, and when asked, gave the reason that he bought breakfast for his wife.
Question: Was that a valid reason?
Answer : Obviously not, since he was not the only married person there
Then he went on to say that he was usually early.
Question: Is that a valid excuse?
Answer: Again, it's not, since, our reporting time is fixed everyday.

It would have been simpler if he just apologised and moved on. But he chose to take it up with me. Bad idea.
Because when we work, we work according to the rules of the game.
These rules have been set up and are being followed by all colleagues, no exceptions.

I just concluded that, he's been working for males all his life, and perhaps he felt that a I was bashing his ego.
You know, if every male has an inflated ego, then it's no wonder, they cannot ever be realistic.
Realism is not about egos - it's about being pragmatic and brutally honest.

And so the crackers went off, and it's not even the lunar new year yet.

1 comment:

UptownGal said...

I'll be the first to admit i'm always late for work! Heehee. But then again, i'm not male...