Yesterday evening, my neighbour from upstairs came knocking on my door. He had 2 kids in tow, barely 7 years old and a bamboo pole in one hand. You don't need to be a genius to know why he's outside my front door. A ball, obviously theirs, got itself wedged between my kitchen wall and my air-con condenser unit.
I have returned clothes, towels, bamboo poles with laundry still hanging on it too many times, when the respective owners showed up at my door. But this neighbour is really really strange.
He started telling me that the ball is stuck, then continued to say that if it's too inconvenient, then forget it, his sons will have to learn their lesson.
I was obviously confused, since why go through all that trouble of coming down, knocking on my door and telling me it's ok, let them learn their lesson. If I wanted them to 'learn a lesson', I would have opted NOT TO OPEN THE DOOR - after all, why else would a stranger come knocking? He was rambling, telling me he tried to use the pole to get to the ball, which is silly since, the condenser is very well secured and close to the wall, leaving not much space for any ball to pop out.
Obviously I got irritated. This is what I said:
"Could you please stop and listen?"
With him rambling, how was I going to go get the damn ball anyways? If I let go of the door, it will shut automatically coz I have this lever hinge which helps me do that - and he was set on letting his sons 'learn a lesson'....jeez! jeez! jeez!
Once he did, I told him to go wait for the ball downstairs, coz I was going to flick it up and out from the ledge.
I think the people here lack simple conversation skills. It's not about Speaking Good English, it's about getting to the damn point and doing it economically without loosing track of the aim of that statement.
We don't need to be Toastmasters to be in the forefront of a conversation and not make fools of ourselves - it's just exchanging words to deliver ideas.
In order to do that, you must first be totally aware of what you have set out to do, only then will you be able to deliver that in speech. Politely, of course.
AND THAT, no one teaches you to do in school - because THAT is sincerity and if we need to do a module to achieve it, then it's no wonder we are lacking in the etiquette department.
1 comment:
The poor chap was probably embarrassed lah. Be kind woman, be kind. :P
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