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February 20, 2009

The lamest Excuse

The lamest excuse anyone can come up with is, I FORGOT.
That became the lamest excuse, because those two words are supposed to be a valid reason.

It's not that there were/are no genuine situations when we actually forget, but when a person uses it constantly or every time there is a non-performance of duty/responsibility, then it becomes lame. It's a convenient getaway.

I live with a person who has the words I FORGOT as a mantra.
It's a daily occurance and anyone in my situation will begin to believe that they actually do not have grey matter, since they are not able to retain information. Perhaps it was a head trauma they suffered 50-odd years ago when going through the birth canal.

There will be times when we forget to get an email out, or when we forget to chase a client for something, because we were swamped on another deadline. But when a person forgets, because he's doing nothing else, then it's basically irresponsible and the person probably should be in a wooden box waiting to be cremated.

It's okay to forget when we sincerely do.
But we should never use that as the way out of being irresponsible - but that's wishful thinking because no one would ever admit that they are parasites who do nothing more than live off another creature for their sole benefit.

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