I have been floating between clinical depression and mild depression for more than a year - most times, i'm coping, but there will be days at a stretch when getting work done is near impossible.
This is a piece for reflection, because it's one year since i've run my own little business with my team. The few months we did a partnership didn't count because it wasn't my own thing but a shared thing. It's been a decent year although we did not put in our best effort in terms of time allocation. I hope to get out of my syndrome and really get into what I started out to do. Today, i checked what I listed a year ago as part of my business activity and to my surprise, i had already included consultancy work as the primary business. Imagine that - I forgot.
The reason I checked was because I felt that I was ready to move into consultancy work for the have-nots and wanted to make sure the paperwork was in order for that.
That information brought 2 things to mind.
First - that sometimes, we know what we want subconsciously, yet our conscious self does not register the fact.
Second - we get so caught up in the moment that we forget the initial goal.
I must have had that thought in mind a year ago and instead of working on the primary business, I focused on the secondary business - how strange.
In any case, it must be the correct path, if I am hitting on it again.
Although I tend not to believe destiny as much as prayers - I think this must be destiny. How could I not realise/remember my primary business? It's almost ridiculous.