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December 22, 2006

Am I ready for Y2007

I don't know because there are so many things left unsettled, work wise, that is.
The office is decorated and we have a buffet spread at our break-out area. In fact, everyone is so cheery today.......I am too, except...coming from me, what is a blog without an "except" rite?

I haven't done my deep thinking, neither have I made a check on my mental list - something like a new years resolution, but less complicated than that.
I am NOT READY to move forward into the new year...perhaps it's cold feet - coz I will be studying next year, time to hit the books.

I am not impulsive, but when my application went in, it was because I didn't want to fall into ranks of people who have dreams yet never making it a reality. I am a realist who have strayed away from the primary objective.

I am not ready to put on my thinking cap and split the load between my maddening job and the books. What if I am not dedicated enough and my grades come back embarassing, by my standards?

I guess we will always have times, when we feel so pressured because we need to perform in excellence. I have zero support - I have only me, my wits and me, to get me through 2007. I have lost contact with my soul-mate and he wouldn't be there to guide me through, like he was before.

So, very reluctantly, i'm inching my way towards 2007....hoping to tip-toe into the year!


UptownGal said...

no chance of making contact again? it is a brand new year after all...

KATRINE said...
