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January 31, 2007

same shit different fan

My gf, x-colleague, summed up my work life to be just that, "Same Shit Different Fan". Nobody has ever, given me such an accurate brief before, and when she said it, I could not contain how ridiculous but true, her observation is!
I do not have a tough portfolio, neither do I have a brain-cracking job. In fact, this job is a breeze compared to what I was doing before. You don't need to be a genius to do what I do, you don't have to even be quick-thinking. What you need, they definately DON'T teach you in Harvard Business School. Forget all that pages of proposals, corporate mumbo-jumbo, and delivery of a good statement. That is not my work - that is Advertising and PR.
Forget the SWOT analysis and the latest economic reports - that's again, a matter of opinion - opinions that either have been formed or opinions that we hope to garner by making it seem like a fact.
In my job, what you really need, is a huge, wide umbrella and fast-moving feet!

January 30, 2007

horoscope readings

I read my chinese horoscope for the Year of the Pig, 2007. It certainly gave me a boost, since the passing Y2006, was supposedly not a good year for me. BUT I am somehow not convinced that I will have an exceptional year ahead, since we don't really know, do we?
To err on the side of caution is putting it mildly. If everyone could have a secure vision of all our tomorrows' then we have no need to worry. But that is definately not the case - I'm sure each one of us has this worry-streak which keeps us awake at night.
I'm optimistic that the stars are optimistic - that perhaps I have some hope of achieving my goals - in some way, part of that's taken care of, since I've been accepted to do my Hons year - but was that Y2007, or just plain, simple timing?
It probably has a lot to do with letting things ride and let it happen at it's own time. We must do our part - and by that, it means simply, DO OUR BEST - no matter what the endeavour is, just do our best, no regrets and the best will be.

January 26, 2007

Sick like a dying dog

I have been 'under the weather' the past 2 days, perhaps it was something I ate. It must be, since whatever that's making me ill, is not related to influenza by symptoms. Either that, or my stomach decided that it was time for acid wash and loaded me with gastric juices.
That, caused me 48 hours of awake time, since I was sleeping my discomfort off. I only woke to pop more paraceatamol, sip cold lemon tea, eat sour plum and fresh honey melon. I guess the lemon was not a good idea, since it's acidic, but hey, my tongue lost it's ability to taste and I needed to keep myself hydrated.
I was sick, and being an "up & about" person, staying on bed meant, suffering. I was suffering by normal standards, but I didn't think I was dying. So why on earth do we say 'sick like a dying dog'. People die without feeling sick, and I'm sure, if my dog woke up one morning and found herself in heaven, it was going to be because she is old and she probably went whilst napping. I wonder why not say 'sick like a dying cat' or is it because cats have 9 lives? Jeez - it must be my sick physical state, since this is really an opinion that wouldn't matter, because it's been so, for generations who have studied English Language.
BUT it simply crossed my mind, because I didn't have anything better to do the past 48 hours, except waste the minutes away. It's worth a thought though - dying doesn't mean sick and sick doesn't mean dying...DOG or otherwise!

January 24, 2007


How do we motivate ourselves, without having our heads above the clouds? A little pragmatism never hurts anyone, yet if we spill over the line, it may come across as being 'laid back'.
I believe in the big picture formula. People must have a vision of the big picture so that they can build a pathway to get there.
I spent an hour yesterday afternoon, selling the big picture to a group who, along the way, lost theirs. I came into the meeting with a foggy picture in christmas wrapping. BUT they were sold on the idea in minutes.
Perhaps corporate branding played a huge part, but I tend to think it's this foggy picture that got them motivated. It's like having a TV, that has poor reception, for reasons we cannot understand - what do we do? We tune the TV and re-tune it, so that the picture clears up and we get clarity.
It's human nature to want a clear vision - therefore, that motivated them to move forward so that they will have a grandstand view.
We do not need sophisticated seminars, talks or even classes to get us going.
We just need to be on the same page of a book!

January 23, 2007

Cart before the Horse

I have spent the entire 23 days, writing 2 pieces. That works out to about 12 days per piece. Unless it's some minor thesis, I am still unable to fanthom why this shouldn't be considered slow. I'm surprised that this pace of work exists in this day and age!
People must understand systems, because of the modus operandi of getting things done. Sadly, there is this tendency to forget as we a-mass subordinates. That's the reason why continuous learning is important.
There is a system for everything from we organise our folders in our computer, how we file papers, to how we cook up a dish! I'm sure, in our primary school english class, we were taught that 'to write a good essay, we need to have a plan, an outline'. BUT after getting a degree - who cares right? WRONG.
If we want to cart to move correctly, we must first agree that the horse should be positioned in front of the cart. We must also agree that the horse must be harnessed to the cart without strapping him down to a tight spot, restricting his movement etc. It's not about being organised, it's about how this is done. Imagine if we decided to strap the horse to the cart when the horse is still in the stable, then somehow make adjustments to the harness, by bringing the horse to the cart - and risk loosing the horse, because he's not really strapped in at all. Likewise, we do not put all the ingredients into a pot, then decide what stays and what goes.
If you're ever caught in a situation where you have to lead, remember that a different system exists for each different chore. It would be wise to be humble and follow the basic rules.
The Horse goes BEFORE the Cart, never behind, next to or above.
If that is going to be your standard, then may GOD give us patience - and then it makes sense that it takes us 12 days to write 12 pages, doubled spaced, of course.

January 19, 2007

A Greater Presence

It's never comfortable when we know someone is terminally ill. Do we look towards a miracle cure or do we accept the situation and do the best that we can, to cope? If we wait for a miracle, it would come across as 'not accepting the situation'. If we accept the situation, then how do we cope? Death is never an event that anyone can get used to. Death is so permanent and irreversible. It removes someone from our life leaving us with memories. Memories are etched in our minds, not something tangible or on a shared platform.
Yesterday, I collected probably the best memory I will have of a client, who happens to be my girlfriend's dad. He was jovial and made us all laugh, but I watched the tears fill the brim of his eyes, when he spoke about tidying up loose ends. I became part of the loose ends, when I disposed of his property for him. Divine intervention worked so timely that on the day he received the bad news of the biopsy, I received an offer for his property. Then came the mad rush to complete the transaction whilst he was receiving medication to ease the disease.
I have been trying to dispose of his property at a good price - not because he was an 'uncle', but because I know we can. For 6 months, the offers fell short of our target price - but we pressed on, believing that when a target is set, we HAVE to achieve it.
He gave up hope when he received the bad news. BUT as divine intervention would have it, the right price came along that same day. After 8 months, it came on D-day. He told me that a greater presence was with us all along, just waiting for the correct time.
This is a man, who lived his life well. He will go back to where we all came from, with no loose ends - he will leave no space for squabbles between his loved ones left behind. This is a man, who definately lived his life the way a good Christian would - peaceful and mindful of others.
This is a man, who lived a RICH life because he believed in a Greater Presence, who guides and prompts us all our lives - IF, we choose to listen.

January 18, 2007

Looking Forward

Sometimes I wonder, whether being forward looking was an asset or not. I'm not making references to being forward-looking with heads above the clouds - neither am I referring to being optimistic. Looking-forward simply means, planning ahead, at least in MY context.
Being in a job that is greatly affected by both the domestic and international economy, I find myself having to look at least 10-steps ahead, all the time. It's good, because there is a plan, but, when stability is coupled with economic sentiments, then planning may not work at all.
If that's the case, why look forward?
Perhaps we all need to believe in that silver lining, or the light at the end of the tunnel OR better still, the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It gives us hope. But most of all, it's supposed to propel us - like fuel. At least that's the rationale that's obvious.
I have always been a realist, a pragmatist - not an optimist -
I believe that the separator is in the belief that in our looking forward, we need not have plans that is executable only if luck is on our side. The plan must be within reasonable reach, and the journey there must be accessible without having that depend upon another factor.
Therefore, there IS nothing wrong about looking forward - it's HOW that is done, that makes the difference.

January 17, 2007

Phrasal confusion

There is a saying that 'we cannot turn back the clock' and another one to say that 'time waits for no man', yet another warning us 'not to miss the boat'.
Being typically me, if I have missed it, I have missed it. I don't make an issue of out it, I simply move on. Having this belief that 'things happen for a reason', helps, because when you're at the tip of depression and beating yourself up because the 'ship has sailed' - nothing is good enough for a comfort blanket.
I have had many moments, when i got to port and find the ship gone. I have lost moments just because I am an indecisive person.
I finally got a break. An opportunity just RE-presented itself.
I was of the opinion that when something like that happened, we could only be delirious, but being on the receiving end of the good news, I was, surprisingly calm. I guess I needed to remind myself that 'history has a tendency to repeat itself' so, I should be cautious.
After 2 days of quiet, I'm still calm.
Perhaps I'm just relieved that I have been given a second chance. How often do we get second chances?
Perhaps, I'm more worried about my performance - This ship sailed back, but what if I couldn't deliver the correct cargo? It's not a matter of 'putting my best foot forward' - because what if 'if it's meant to be, it'll be"
Perhaps I should just 'go break a leg'!

January 16, 2007

chicken & egg

Many situations are like the 'chicken & egg' syndrome. Which comes first? It could go either way, really.
I'm in one such situation. How do we get ourselves out of it? I seriously have no clue. Its worse than being on the fence, at least when you're on the fence, you have a choice of either falling left or right. When you're in a 'chicken & egg' situation, it is beyond our control, almost.
I spent one sleepless night, thinking about it - not that it would help because I woke up tired, not rested at all and the situation didn't go away.
I don't believe that it's a situation that cannot be resolved, yet, I do not see a solution anywhere nearby. Until I sort that out, there is no looking forward, because this was the only thing I ever looked forward for. It was my passport to doing what I was probably 'born' to do.
So, chicken & egg...which came first, which SHOULD come first?
I honestly don't know.
If there is really a GOD, then it must be the chicken, because GOD made the animals - I don't remember the Bible saying he made all the animals AND an EGG!

January 15, 2007

The rotten eggs

There was an incident over the weekend, which was the highlight of my weekend. I chose to make that a highlight, because the few Singaporeans that are obnoxious, pushy and poorly bred, tend to be the rotten eggs that never go away.
A new owner, was outside his landed property, but found that they keys didn't open the gate. They started calling all parties involved, and obviously my phone rang as well. For the life of me, I couldn't understand why the keys didn't fit. Everyone had their appointments laid out, and just dropping everything to meet with them could not be done.
I advised them to sit at the nearest coffee-shop, to wait for me...the weather wasn't going to hold out etc. In the worst case scenario, I was prepared to call a locksmith. Meanwhile, I rummaged through my keybox and found what looked like the gate keys. An hour later, I was there and to my relief, the padlock popped open. The husband was irritated and started screaming. His wife was decent, thanked me and asked if the rest of the keys she had, actually belonged to the property.
I apologised if the keys were mislaid, and made my way out. I explained to Mr Idiot that if any keys were displaced, it was not intentional - who would want to omit keys when they sold the house? They were not even living there anymore! He told me to get off his property. To which I replied "You are so bloody rude!". His wife stood at the gate and thanked me properly. I drove off.
That is not just an ugly Singaporean. That is one man, who thinks the world revolves around him and only him. I felt sad for him, because what kind of example will he be setting for his son, who is right now, less than a year old? It's not okay to behave even half like that.
I was fuming mad, but I walked away because such people didn't deserve my time. I guess he needed to feel important, so he pushed his way to gain that recognition. I was satisfied already because I told him off, and if he didn't believe in starting on the right foot, then why should I bother? Anyone would want to go to their new home, all happy so that it's a good feeling. BUT no, he preferred to verbally attack me. I would never, let a remark like that go and I didn't.

He sent me an sms, two hours later to apologise. I accepted his apology and wished him well. To me, it's damage has been done - what do I care, it's not my house.

January 12, 2007

Formula for success

Yesterday, a colleague told me that to get anywhere in my office, you'll have to market yourself.
To think that we all thought that's the very idea, offices have appraisals, performance & variable bonuses.
What happened to being modest and all that?
I didn't probe and didn't bother to seek verification for her conclusion, yet, watching her bounce around made me think, it must really be THE new formula for success.

I have always believed that getting the job done well, when it's supposed to get done would be more than sufficient. Results were the bottom line.....
BUT if what she said had some truth, then my bottom line certainly moved!

January 11, 2007

Retry, Ignore, Abort?

Some people have a sense of urgency, some people just don't, whilst others just wait for an SOP to be handed over to them before they make any move.
I used to think that men are decision makers being less emotional. I am wrong.
Perhaps it's my misfortune that I always end up with trash. People who either cannot think for themselves, let alone a greater majority OR people who are downright lazy and selfish, who only bother about their comfort zone, no one elses.
They do not make a move, until prompted - they rather hang around and chit chat about the weather, eventhough a building fell right between them and the person they are having a conversation with.
These people take pride in themselves for being the Pentium One chip when we are way into the Pentium Four. Then they look confused when the system lags.
An alt-F4 is just going to bring things back to this stage - a repeat performance at a different time.
Perhaps a better solution would be to just IGNORE or ABORT.
I choose to IGNORE it for now and ABORT it if the irritation persists.
AND if need be UPGRADE.

January 09, 2007

Told You So!

Some people simply deserve to hear the words "I TOLD YOU SO".
As there are always 2-sides to a coin, these words could imply either something good or bad, for us. BUT when the statement is directed at us, do we ever wonder why WE didn't think of it before?
Perhaps it's just human nature that we tend to take consensus from our peers before making a decision. It's not wrong to take a consensus, but sometimes it's in our best interest to simply ACT. When we take our time to make an obvious choice, then we open ourselves to hearing "I TOLD YOU SO".
The ability to react quickly is the distinction between a good leader and a comme se comme sa one. It's not a crime to be Mr On-the-Fence, but after a while, it's annoying and in business, that may convert itself into loss of income.
We are not expected to be movers and shakers, just thinking decision-makers. It's not difficult to say "2+2=4" but when we rather say "10/2-3+2=4" then, it doesn't make sense anymore!
Bottom line is, we want the same results without the longer frame.

January 08, 2007

Caught in the Act

It's something everyone should think about - simply because, when Caught, it's always in a compromising position.
Last Friday, I knew exactly how THAT felt, when I found my name on a cc copy of an email.

What rushed through my mind immediately was :
OMG, now everyone is going to think i'm THE ONE WHO SPILLED THE BEANS.
OMG, I wasn't even around then!
OMG, what was my boss thinking to put me on the cc!
OMG, what will I say, when asked?

It's true, how, when one person gets caught, the rest of us are also caught albeit in a different bind.

Caught in the Act - question:
Who really gets caught?
The people who will leave, or those who are left?

January 05, 2007

Not Smiling

My colleague asked me yesterday, what happened to my smile?
It never dawned on me, even remotely, that people could notice my 'not smiling'. Perhaps it's common to notice such things. She didn't mean that I didn't smile anymore, but it was the bubbles that was missing, apparently.
I guess smiling brings with it a contagious 'feel good' effect. It must be, because if one smiles, the other person cannot help but smile along!
Lately, I've been very tired, clearing up clutter at home and paper-work, and being a new school year, waking up very early to send my son to school, before hitting the office. Frankly, this is every mother's nightmare, which repeats itself, year after year - a mother's responsibility.
I supposed that doesn't give us a right to deprive others of our smile, which apparently generates positive, warm feelings....
Therefore, one should not even try a half-smile - no matter how bad we are feeling, let's make sure another person doesn't feel just as bad by smiling with a full heart......at least we are making another person feel better, even when we are in a lousy state of mind.
This is just a modest appreciation for people who are around us each day -
Smile :) and make the world world SMILE :) along with us!

January 04, 2007

Living Hell

This morning, the roads were still very damp from the rains last night. Traffic was 'loose' this morning, cars had space to cruise a little more. That was before 7am. Right after the 7 o'clock hour, the radio reported some accidents.
People just do not get it.
If the roads are wet, why drive so fast and not give way?
It must cost people a million bucks to allow another road user to overtake or ease into the lane.

There has never been, I repeat, NEVER BEEN a day, when it either is or was raining, when the traffic update does not say "there's been an accident"!

This must be the damnest thing about our drivers - they are selfish and disregard safety. Bikers will be zipping in between cars, who are already trying to prevent other cars from filtering into their lane....then there are the heavy vehicles, who deliberately occupy the centre and overtaking lanes. Our roads are a living hell!

Never mind all this mess - when the drivers decide to cut into a lane, they do not signal. I think that module was probably left out when they were in driving school. After cutting in, they do not raise their hand to apologise, implying that what they did, was acceptable.

Most of the drivers I watch in the mornings are like that. They are clueless about Road Courtesy. I'm glad that I'm not acquainted with any of them! Imagine what they must be like in person - MOBILE HELL!

I think how a person drives tells a whole lot about where he comes from.

Perhaps there is some truth in the saying that 'we, are in, a living hell'.

January 03, 2007

Live to Work, Work to Live

I admit, I work to live.
Although I take pride in what I do, when given HALF the opportunity to slack, I will. I wonder then, which is the lesser evil?
Living to Work means, one would wake up in the morning, gungho to go, engines already warm and in gear.
Work to Live means, one drags oneself out of bed and plans vacation time, as the warm shower hits you!
I am a sucker for vacation time - it doesn't even have to be out of town. A day away from the CBD would suffice, provided the cellphone doesn't ring.
Work is like having chores - something that needs to get done.
The saving grace is the desire to do a job well - and when on the job, the focus is only on the job.
So, it's never about which of these we are - it's more about how we place priority on what's at hand. It's about having the determination to get things done in the shortest possible time, so that we can move on to the next item on the agenda and the next, and the next, until we hit the item that reads : ON LEAVE

January 01, 2007

First Thoughts 2007

Let's not call that Resolution. Let's just say it's thoughts because Resolution is so cliche. Why bother making Resolutions when we cannot even totally control the external environment which could very much influence outcomes.
That's not to say that every blame should be shifted to the external environment either. It's important that we understand the difference.
Some people say, it's being at the right place at the right time....but then, when IS the right time? Honestly speaking, we got the time right, when we succeed with our plan, whatever that might be. If we didn't get the time right, a whole lot of things could go wrong, and probably did.
Which brings me to the next point : there are hardly much lessons to be learnt, if we take this line of reasoning, because our life experiences seldom repeats itself in exactly the same manner.
So, after many years of existence, what culminates as experience?
Well, it must be the ability to adapt quickly to a changing environment and make snap decisions like we wrote the manual when in actual fact, it boils down to timing.
Rather bleak First Thoughts, but it's not bleak really - it's from the standpoint of a Realist, Pragmatist and someone who believes that taking pride in whatever we do would make a fine point.