Some people simply deserve to hear the words "I TOLD YOU SO".
As there are always 2-sides to a coin, these words could imply either something good or bad, for us. BUT when the statement is directed at us, do we ever wonder why WE didn't think of it before?
Perhaps it's just human nature that we tend to take consensus from our peers before making a decision. It's not wrong to take a consensus, but sometimes it's in our best interest to simply ACT. When we take our time to make an obvious choice, then we open ourselves to hearing "I TOLD YOU SO".
The ability to react quickly is the distinction between a good leader and a comme se comme sa one. It's not a crime to be Mr On-the-Fence, but after a while, it's annoying and in business, that may convert itself into loss of income.
We are not expected to be movers and shakers, just thinking decision-makers. It's not difficult to say "2+2=4" but when we rather say "10/2-3+2=4" then, it doesn't make sense anymore!
Bottom line is, we want the same results without the longer frame.
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