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January 05, 2007

Not Smiling

My colleague asked me yesterday, what happened to my smile?
It never dawned on me, even remotely, that people could notice my 'not smiling'. Perhaps it's common to notice such things. She didn't mean that I didn't smile anymore, but it was the bubbles that was missing, apparently.
I guess smiling brings with it a contagious 'feel good' effect. It must be, because if one smiles, the other person cannot help but smile along!
Lately, I've been very tired, clearing up clutter at home and paper-work, and being a new school year, waking up very early to send my son to school, before hitting the office. Frankly, this is every mother's nightmare, which repeats itself, year after year - a mother's responsibility.
I supposed that doesn't give us a right to deprive others of our smile, which apparently generates positive, warm feelings....
Therefore, one should not even try a half-smile - no matter how bad we are feeling, let's make sure another person doesn't feel just as bad by smiling with a full heart......at least we are making another person feel better, even when we are in a lousy state of mind.
This is just a modest appreciation for people who are around us each day -
Smile :) and make the world world SMILE :) along with us!

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