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November 26, 2007

Gift Exchanges

This morning the topic was on the giving of christmas presents in the office - whether people were for it or not. One DJ mentioned that for such gifts, it's probably something people cannot use anyway - therefore, should we actually give such presents.
I cannot understand, why in this time and age, any office (for that matter) would come up with such an idea and not perfect it. In my office, we do have gift exchanges during christmas - but just to make sure the gift is not 'useless', we draw names from a box - then go shopping for that colleague, whose name was drawn. This way, everyone gets a gift from someone, that will not be something that's just a waste of money. Our office sets the minimum amount the gift should cost - and leave the rest to the giver.
The eve of Christmas Eve, we would gather at our reception area for gift-exchange, food, alcohol and laughter. It will close our business year on a 'high', literally. And so I ask - What's in a gift?
Actually, it's just good, warm thoughts all wrapped because it means we took the trouble.
It doesn't matter if it's a bottle of scented liquid soap from the Body Shop, because it's about having someone else who doesn't know us well enough, to take this trouble. It reminds us that gift-giving doesn't have to be expensive.
And when we do shop for our colleague, rest assured, for all other years to come, in that office, we will know one more person, a bit better. THAT is what christmas is about. It's not instant gratification that the season brings with it - but warmth that lasts.
That helped me and I'm sure it will help others who do not mix too easily in a busy office environment.

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