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November 20, 2007

How did old news become new?

There was this discussion about how the "I" and "We" causes divorce in young couples. In my opinion, that isn't the reason. The "I" and "We" issues have been so, many moons ago. It's nothing new to marriages. The real answer lies just beneath the surface, you don't even have to look deep.
Before we can understand why people choose to go their separate ways, we must first understand why they got together in the first place. Once you've done that, you'll understand how they got to their predicament. It's as simple as that. As the cliche goes, you don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that.
If the marriage was to serve a purpose, and only that purpose, then when the purpose has been realised, the marriage is baseless. Once a person cannot equate in a purposeless relationship, it's only a matter of time before the 'ties' dissolve. Whether it will be made official or not, would again depend upon the current circumstances. If there is yet another purpose to keeping the legal bond, then they will hang on.
It may sound clinical, but relationships are that way.
There was talk about career women having the ability to survive after a divorce, which could contribute to the breakup. Thats again, not just about working women. It's about how our society has come out of the Victorian times and accepted divorced women as people too.
I know of women who walked out of marriages without a single penny in their pockets.
That decision is a personal decision, nothing to do with career or bank accounts.
Once a person accepts that it's what's best, and they execute it, then that's it.
How did we become a DIVORCING society - simple.
We just grew as a society, accepting reality and moving on thereafter.
Forget trying to understand pseudo reasons which makes the 'fairer' gender seem bolder.
We are, after all, reasonable people, with reasonable expectations, and when that fails, just reasonably end the marriage.
Men do that for lame reasons too - we just don't make an issue out of it.
Perhaps society needs to stop having a gender divide when it comes to relationships.
Male or Female, it's someone's expectations and feelings that's being toyed with.

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