At the work place - differences of opinion are plentiful and common. It is uncommon to have everything moving like clockwork, without the need for grease now and then.
If money is the root of all evil, then it's definately the ginseng that's causing this war.
Head or not a head, doesn't give anyone the right to just force their opinion for acceptance. As experienced professionals, each would have their own rule book that they operate by.
A good leader would listen and make adjustments where necessary - apologise if the need arises and move forward.
Unfortunately, the head of my department isn't half like that, and operates with a manual that has failed time and again.
My colleague fell into this mess and although I'm not part of this equation, I became part of it because both were speaking to me, on an 'aside' basis.
I did what anyone would do. Set the record straight.
When the subject was brought up, I had to input. Otherwise, I felt that I failed as a colleague and a friend.
To no one's surprise, voicing my opinion didn't bring any thunderstorms.
Perhaps, because it was expressed from a friend to another, not from a subordinate to a head.
Perhaps, the lesser of the evil was to give in to what could otherwise be a lengthy exchange with a female who will bash the male ego to pulp.
It was the right opinion and yes, before I laid out my opinion, I had the mincer on the counter-top, in plain sight (of course).
My boss has told me he prefers working with men ; simply because they are not emotional.
Debriefing what went on between the males yesterday - it was emotional - in my book - because in the professional arena, there is no room for : you said, I said; you didn't do, I did; and the one liner that says it all " I"M YOUR BOSS".
And so, with my flippant attitude, I "walked" into this mess and spoke my mind.
He's my boss too, but he crossed the line and someone had to tell him.
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