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May 17, 2008

it's enough

There was an article I just read, linking natural disasters to omens. I think that mother earth is not just creating this as a wake-up call for non-religious people, but that we have probably abused the very land we walk on because of selfishness.
A person doesn't have to show up at a place of worship to be religious - that's 'showing face'. Being religious is about our inner being - our soul - our conscience - a concept so abstract when compared to what's visible - material worth. Perhaps all the natural disasters are delivering a message to us - that we should stop thinking about getting ahead of each other, and just stop for a second to think about what we have done to our home - the earth. This is not a post about saving the environment - it's about saving us and our children's children.
We cannot go on contributing to increasing temperatures - melting ice - and a whole new climate shift into the unknown - we will end up starving - not from a lack of income, but the shortage of food. There will be a group whose answer would be genetically modified foods - and when that becomes a reality, we will be dished out with another situation we cannot solve.
This is not just about fearing GOD - it's about how we have set free an invisible plague that's causing one disaster after another. It may well be a sign that there is a greater power than us - it may not even be GOD - it could just be our karma saying that it's enough.

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