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May 12, 2008

off the starting block

When we are chasing dreams, we have to always remember to keep our feet on the ground. Contradicting? Actually, no.
Dreams are great but it must be within reach. If it's within too easy a reach, then it cannot be classified as a dream, yet it mustn't be out of reach, because then it's not being realistic.
How do we balance that thought?
There is an article today about a lady who started her business with SGD1K. I'm sure she didn't start dreaming the impossible - but with determination and luck, her SGD1K company is now worth millions.
Let's begin with little steps, steps that we can manage - then with confidence, we take faster steps till we finally run.
Today, my dream got off the starting block - after 4 weeks - it wasn't an easy 4 weeks, because there were people who didn't understand cycles and timing. For me, patience is not my best quality, but the beginning of fulfilling this dream, took a lot of patience, faith and trust in my team. They had to find their feet, their working tempo all over again. With change, comes imbalance and the finding of the balance again. It's the same team, yet the dynamics are different - and it took us 4 whole weeks to get off the block.
How did I spend the past 4 weeks?
I spent a good part of that seeking for assistance and guidance to realise this dream - through prayers.
Because only prayers can give me such patience and the correct attitude to motivate the team. Otherwise, I'm just another person with another dream that's going nowhere.

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